一个windows多线程实例,如果想写一个多线程程序又苦于不知道怎样做线程间通讯的朋友可以参考一下-Example of a multi-threaded windows, if they want to write a multithreaded program does not know what to do suffer from communication between threads can refer to a friend
Visual c++6.0多线程编程实例。该实例编写规范,可以用来作为多线程程序的编写模板,用处很大。-Visual c++6.0 multithreaded programming examples. The instance specification preparation, can be used as a template to write multithreaded program, has proved very useful.
我是编程小菜鸟 - -,这个是俺上课编的读者写者问题的读者优先,使用线程,欢迎批评!-
I was programming a small rookie This is the class I series readers to write readers priority issues, the use of threads, welcome criticism! So when debugging multithreaded mode must be selected.