- C++语言递归算法求解原始汉诺塔问题,邻近移动汉诺塔问题,循环移动汉诺塔问题,奇偶汉诺塔问题-Recursive algorithm for the original Tower of Hanoi problem, neighboring mobile HANOR, the loop mobile HANOR issue, parity Tower of Hanoi problem
- 输入五个姓名,并将几段名字的首字母大写,能识别空格。最后将输入的名字输出到data文件-Write a programme that reads in the name (Given name+ space+ family name) of 5 persons and writes them to a disk file. Each name in the disk file always starts on a new line. Note that you need consider
- 这是一个用C语言(dev c)编写的猜数字游戏,并配备了两份代码编写提示。 如果你能够在两份代码提示的帮助下,独立完成猜数字游戏的编程,说明你对C语言循环语句和控制台编程有了较好的理解。 本文件适合C语言教学培训。-This is a C language (dev c) written guessing game , and is equipped with two coding tips. If you can help the next two code hints , ind