- 用delphi实现的智能组卷系统,根据用户要求自动生成试卷,分为用户管理,试卷管理,题库管理三个模块-use Intelligent Test System, under the automatic generation of user requirements papers, divided into user management, paper management, database management module 3! !
- 见经常有新人问到如何将 Excel 数据导入数据库.我当年也花了一段时间去搞. 就做了个简单的将Excel导入Access(delphi版DEMO,希望对新手有用. 感谢帮助的最好方法就是帮助其他人... 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com-See frequently asked how the new Excel data into a database. I spent a year engage in a period of time. To d
- 从SQL Server中提取Word文档,Delphi源码实现,测试之前请先连接好数据库信息,数据库文件在Database目录中,是一个数据库与文件操作相结合的例子-Word document, extracted from SQL Server Delphi source implementation, test before you connect the database information, the database file in the Database directory is