- 对基于稀疏矩阵存储技术的对称正定稀疏矩阵进行LDL分解,C++编写-LDL is a set of concise routines for factorizing symmetric positive-definite sparse matrices, with some applicability to symmetric indefinite matrices. Its primary purpose is to illustrate much of the basic theory of
- this code is thresholding image with fuzzy c-meam thresholding, it good result than Otsu method.
- finite element method- *********************************************************************** 3-D FDTD code with PEC boundaries *********************************************************************** Program author: Susan
- 关于无线传感器网络的路由算法研究,在能量均衡上的经典LEACH算法,用matlab进行的仿真,能够实现!-Abstract: The distributed wireless sensor net work and the technol ogy of wireless communicati on could realize the subsidence monit oring and measuring in coalmine goaf . One of the i mportant r
- krylov子空间法 krylov子空间方法的程序实现,用于解高阶矩阵-Matlab Codes for Krylov subspace methods 1. MINRES method by Paige and Saunders implementation function [ x, istop, itn, rnorm, Arnorm, Anorm, Acond, ynorm ] = ... minres( A, b, M, shift, show, check, itnlim
- 蒙特卡洛法测量电磁场场强,用c语言实现matlab测量电磁学问题。-Monte Carlo method
- this matlab source code is algorithm for classification images that is non-parametric and supervised method for classification
- 二维图像的投影和图像重建,直接傅里叶反变换法,先反投影后滤波,先滤波后反投影,卷积反投影(Two dimensional image projection and image reconstruction, direct Fourier inverse method, first backprojection, after filtering, first filter, back projection, convolution back projection)
- 基于MFC用户界面线程开发的,关于C++与Matlab联合仿真中dll调用方式的例子,以绘制单条曲线为例(Based on the development of MFC user interface thread, the example of DLL calling method in C++ and Matlab co simulation is used to draw a single curve as an example)
- 最小二乘法拟合多项式,效果非常好,与MATLAB的多项式拟合基本一样。亲自在STM32板子上跑过,几乎直接出来答案。用法简单,包含头文件然后直接调用即可,电脑或者开发板都可以直接跑。 注意!注意!注意!说三遍...拟合之后多项式的变量x其实是(X-a),a是输入数据点的均值。(The least square method fits the polynomial, and the effect is very good. .)
- 牛顿迭代法求方程的根,C语言实现,方法经典,代码实现,可用MATLAB验证(The Newton iteration method for solving the root of the equation)
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- 主要是在出现不稳定极限环时应该如何处理。 不稳定极限环在时间演化曲线中自然是不能直接得到的,这里如果想找到他就要利用不稳定极限环作为态空间分界面的性质。在极限环内部,最终趋于稳定点,例如(0,0),而极限环外,很有可能就发散了,或者到了远处的某稳定点或者某稳定极限环。 于是,画分岔图非常不爽地需要两重循环,第一重是初值的循环,利用的是二分法,逐渐逼近分界面;第二重自然是参数。 在做数值计算的时候,很重要的一个问题是,通常在有限的时间内(我们自然不可能算到无穷久以后,时间的设定可以先跑几次看一看,
- 在混沌时间序列方法进行风电功率预测用C-C算法tau时间(C-C algorithm tau time for wind power prediction using chaotic time series method)
- 一种双相流的LBM(Iilb,d2Q9)方法 根据d2q9格式,Matlab代码使用格子玻尔兹曼(LB)方法模拟二维不混溶流体(蓝色和红色流体)的两相流。(mplements Immiscible Lattice Boltzmann (ILB, D2Q9) method for two phase flows he MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible
- CC_methodCC法,用于非线性时间序列中,相空间重构,求取时间延迟tau(CCmethodcc method, used for phase space reconstruction in nonlinear time series, to find the time delay Tau)