poj一些计算几何的解题报告,以及代码主要有网格圆等-POJ some computational geometry of the problem-solving reports, and code the main round, such as grid
POJ上一些计算几何题的代码-POJ some computational geometry code title
The art gallery problem or museum problem is a well-studied visibility problem in computational geometry. The motivation for the problem is the real-world problem of guarding an art gallery with the minimum number of security cameras that can each ro
POJ1675计算几何 acm简单代码和一些简单的思路-POJ1675 acm simple computational geometry code and some simple ideas
形成凸包并计算面积简洁版,也就是计算几何里面的凸包问题的求解 采用按照斜率的排序 经过试验比网上的模板要快-Hull form and calculate the area of compact version, that is, computational geometry inside the convex hull problem was solved using the sort tested in accordance with the slope of the template fa
GEOMPACK - Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulations
GEOMPACK is a set of routines for certain computational geometry problems. In particular, it can compute the Voronoi diagram, and the Delaunay triangulation, of a set of points in the plane.
关于计算数学平面几何问题和学生系统管理便于关系好学生-On Computational Mathematics Plane Geometry and students in systems management to facilitate a good relationship with students
平面最近点对问题是计算几何学中研究的基本问题之一。假设在平面S上有n个点,在这n个点所组成的点对中,寻找距离最近点对问题。例如:有两点 与 。它们之间的距离为: 。n个点可以组成 个点对,找其中的一点对,使得在n个点组成的所的点对中,该点对的 为最小。-Plane closest point to the problem is one of the basic problems of research in computational geometry. Suppose there are n
Convex hull algorithm
Algorithms that construct convex hulls of various objects have a broad range of applications in mathematics and computer science.
In computational geometry, numerous algorithms are proposed for computing the convex hull o