- 学习如何使用无限循环 并可以从循环中跳出
- Arduino Code for a Synthesizer Module that remembers envelope shapes and outputs CVs in a loop.
- 包含五个C源码,分别是:IP地址解析、二叉树算法集、广度优先搜索及深度优先搜索、华氏温度和摄氏温度的相互转换、用for循环模拟自由落体运动。-Contains five C source code, namely: IP address resolution, binary tree algorithm set, breadth-first search and depth-first search, Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature of one anoth
- 自己编写的C语言教务管理系统,可以实现基本的学生信息录入,查询,添加,删除和修改等操作,其中的循环语句的用法对C语言的初学者有一定的帮助-Write your own C-language educational management system, students can achieve the basic information input, query, add, delete and modify such operation in which the use of loop on t
- C#编的CRC循环校验,虽然不是非常完美-C# Code for CRC checksum loop
- ASCII编码系统字符串转换清理程序,任意转换字符串长度,任意清理不需要字符-String Cleanser (ASCII only) Simple include function to loop through a given string and (a) concatenate it to the maximum length, (b) silently drop any unwanted characters and (c) pad all single quotes with
- 在c 环境中编辑2维array的例子,运用for loop-2 dimensional array edition,using for loop
- C++实现的字符串加1,支持任意夹带数字的字符串,对于英文字母则循环相加,不支持浮点表示法。 形如:9, 1-1-a、$#99^@、1-1-Z 结果:10,1-1-b、$#100^@、1-1-A-The C++ implementation string plus 1 to support any entrained digital string, the loop sum for the letters of the alphabet does not support fl
- 用c++语言编写提供一种算法,用于对循环,嵌套,顺序执行功能的加深理解-With c++ language provides an algorithm for loop, nested, and deepen our understanding of the sequential function
- 用c++语言编写提供一种算法,用于对循环,嵌套,顺序执行功能的加深理解-With c++ language provides an algorithm for loop, nested, and deepen our understanding of the sequential function
- 用c++语言编写提供一种算法,用于对循环,嵌套,顺序执行功能的加深理解-With c++ language provides an algorithm for loop, nested, and deepen our understanding of the sequential function
- 使用c语言实现约瑟夫环,代码思路简单,可以运行,适合于链表数据结构的研究-Josephus using c language, code simple ideas, you can run, study linked list data structure suitable for
- a simple c program using for loop
- c++ 数组的输出FOR循环输出(不是二维数组)-c++ output FOR loop output array (not the two-dimensional array)
- 循环右移程序,动态建立数组,继而循环右移,详见博客说明,http://blog.csdn.net/u013457167/article/details/50275105-by using the key word malloc and use for loop to make it
- 高斯消元法串行代码,c语言,最普通的三层for循环实现,结果为一个对角线为一的上三角。(Gauss elimination method serial code, C language, the most common three layer for loop implementation, the result is a diagonal to one of the upper triangle.)
- Homework for Using Loops in C++
- This program takes a positive integer from the user and computes factorial using for loop. Since the factorial of a number may be very large, the type of factorial variable is declared as unsigned long long. If the user enters negative number,
- Exercise 5: ‘for’ and ‘do … while” repetition statements 1. Write a program which uses a do/while loop to print out the first 10 powers of 2 other than 0 (ie. it prints out the values of 21, 22, ..., 210). Use a for loop to do the same. 注意 po
Domain decomposition for hyperbolic equations
- 双曲方程的域分解,该模型显示了如何使用域分解技术求解迭代算法。 系数形式PDE u1(c4)求解u1 系数形式PDE u2(c)求解u2 系数表PDE v1(c2)将u1存储到v1 系数表PDE v2(c3)将u2存储到v2 然后计算并迭代如下: 1.计算初始化U 2.在“ LOOP”>“ Step1”>“变量值未解决”中:选择“解决方案”:“ Init U”,然后“计算” 3.在“ LOOP”>“ Step1”>“变量值未解决”中:选择“解决方案:LOOP”,然后根据需