- 左边是记事本框,右边是万年历框。颜色和布局都是自己精心调配的,很美观。-The left is a Notepad box, right side is a calendar box. Color and layout are carefully deployed their own, very beautiful.
- 一个简单的java小的文本编辑器 可以保存 删除 修改 设置字体-Java a simple small text editor can be saved delete modify font settings
- 一个完整的java 考试题。都是java 最基础的知识-A complete examination of java. Are the most basic knowledge of java
- 用java编写的一个计算器,非常实用,简单,希望大家支持啊-Prepared to use a calculator java, very practical, simple, and I hope you will support ah
- java编的小程序 编写出一个聊天室,此聊天室应具备如下功能: (1) 允许用户注册; (2) 允许注册用户登陆聊天室; (3) 登录用户之间进行聊天和文件传输; (4) 用户可以更改背景和音乐; -compiled java applet to write a chat room, this chat room should have the following functions: (1) allows the user to register (2) allows r
- 用java实现的一个类似于记事本的小程序。 实现功能添加记录、查询记录、修改记录、删除记录。无按钮,全由快捷键操作,这是根据本人的需求设置的。包含的技术,IK分词技术,lucence搜索技术,文件操作(容易修改为扩展为BDB轻量级数据库)-Use Java a similar to realize the notepad small programs.Functions added records, inquires the record, modify records, deleting
- java 多种算法示例!程序猿一手收集资料-of java a variety of algorithms example! Program ape handedly collected information
- 一款简单的java爬虫+搜索引擎,比较适合用于自己学习(A simple java crawler + search engine)
eprint for java
- eprint for java 这是可以自定义打印格式的java版的打印解决方案,运用此工具,用户设计好打印格式,然后按设计好的格式输出打印数据。 详细使用文档和示例见 eprint for java\doc目录,和eprint for dotnet\index.htm(Eprint for Java This is the Java version of the print solution that allows you to customize the print forma
- java知识的一个小总结,有关于java。(Java knowledge of a small summary, about java.)
- 判断一个数字是否为有理数的java小程序(test if a number is a rational number)
- 对象:对象是类的一个实例,有状态和行为。例如,一条狗是一个对象,它的状态有:颜色、名字、品种;行为有:摇尾巴、叫、吃等。(Object: an object is an instance of a class with state and behavior. For example, a dog is an object that has the status of color, name, variety, behavior: wagging its tail, calling, eating
- JAVA一个比较好的电子文档(a java book)
- 基于java的一个完整界面,供大家参考,一起学习和进步!(Based on java a complete interface for your reference, with learning and progress!)
- 对javaIO,java集合,xml,Struts2, 的简要概括,步骤,注意点等(A brief overview of javaIO, Java sets, XML, Struts2, steps, points of attention, etc.)
* Java 开发手册 v1.2.0
- 《* Java 开发手册》是*集团技术团队的集体经验总结,经历了 多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善,反馈给广大开发者。现代软件行业的高速 发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程知识点,其它维度的知识点 也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。("Alibaba Java development manual" is a collective experience summary of Alibaba group technical team, expe
- 通过java simhash算法的简单实现(A simple implementation of simhash algorithm by java.)
Head First Java
- 一本JAVA的入门书籍,讲得非常清除,让刚想入门这门语言的读者,可以先看看这本书,然后再学其他JAVA会事半功倍(A JAVA entry books, speak very clear, so that just want to get into the language of readers, you can look at this book, and then learn other JAVA will be twice the result with half the effort)
- 个电影网站源码,包括java源文件和所有css样式表以及js文件,数据为mysql(A movie website source code, including the Java source file and all the CSS style sheets and JS files, the data is MySQL)
- java基础知识的学习,其过程中需要实现的小系统(Java basic knowledge learning, the process needs to achieve a small system)