Java Lite Processor
- It is a Lite Java processor amd it use Java to write a Java program to simulate the JVM behavior.
- Clojure is a dynamic programming language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), with a compelling combination of features: • Clojure is elegant. Clojure’s clean, careful design lets you write programs that get right to the essence of a probl
- 自己平时遇到的跟JVM相关的问题的解决方法。以及怎样在Linux下安装mysql-Encountered in their usual problems associated with the JVM solution. And how to install Linux mysql
- The Java platform consists of several programs, each of which provides a portion of its overall capabilities. For example, the Java compiler, which converts Java source code into Java bytecode (an intermediate language for the JVM), is provided as pa
- Sanos Operating System Kernel 专门为跑java而造的os,提供的是win32的API,也就是说,只要有个sanos在裸机 上就好 了,它别的事都不干,专为jvm提供API。专为Java的嵌入式系统。
- 关于Java的一些讲解及知识,J2SE基础,JVM,操作系统,TCP/IP等等一些Java相关知识点(Some explanations and knowledge about Java)
- Hello 为java .class文件 windows java -agentlib:c:\jvm\deClass Hello deClass就是deClass.dll,注意不需要加.dll tomcat 修改tomcat的bin目录下catalina.bat set JAVA_OPTS=-agentlib:c:\jvm\deClass linux下 拷贝libdeclass.so到/lib下 java -agentlib:declass Hello tomcat: 修改catali
- Hutool是一个Java基础工具类,对文件、流、加密解密、转码、正则、线程、XML等JDK方法进行封装,组成各种Util工具类,同时提供以下组件: 布隆过滤 缓存 克隆接口 类型转换 日期处理 数据库ORM(基于ActiveRecord思想) 基于DFA有限自动机的多个关键字查找 HTTP客户端 IO和文件 有用的一些数据结构 日志 反射代理类的简化(AOP切面实现) Setting(一种扩展Properties的配置文件) System(JVM和系统信息等) W
- 用于jvm中垃圾回收算法的详细解释,有利于对于后开开发的深入理解。(A detailed explanation of the garbage collection algorithm in the JVM is conducive to the deep understanding of the later development.)
- 契约测试实例, 基于springboot 编程语言java(Pact-JVM-Example-master)