- 支持普通PHP环境及新浪SAE环境,基于ThinkPHP+MySql构架, 可用于不同阶段的PHP学习, 作为商业网站的建设,更是理想之选,所有源码公开,没有任何加密块 后台明细的模块权限分配 后台使用CKEditor 3.6编辑器,让您发布信息轻松搞定 开源免费MisoneCMS系统,本系统基于ThinkPHP+MySql框架开发,支持普通PHP环境及新浪SAE环境. 目前拥有以下功能: 1-MVC结构,可快速修改网站前台模板 2-所有网
- 新闻采用在线编辑器,可以象使用word一样编辑新闻 ·可web上传图片,新闻内其它网站图片自动下载 ·无限级目录分类 ·可设头条新闻和图片新闻 ·新闻点评功能,可自由发表评论 ·权限管理可以任意设置角色 ·采用MVC模式显示与逻辑分离,方便修改页面显示效果 ·支持多界面风格,只需增加相应的风格包 ·支持国际化多语言,只需要增加响应语言包 ·支持多种数据库,目前测试过的数据库(Oracle,SqlServer,My
- Struts作为MVC 2的Web框架,自推出以来不断受到开发者的追捧,得到用广泛的应用。作为最成功的Web框架,Struts自然拥有众多的优点:-mail
- Struts作为MVC 2的Web框架,自推出以来不断受到开发者的追捧,得到用广泛的应用。作为最成功的Web框架,Struts自然拥有众多的优点:-mail
- Struts作为MVC 2的Web框架,自推出以来不断受到开发者的追捧,得到用广泛的应用。作为最成功的Web框架,Struts自然拥有众多的优点:-mail
- RaPHP开源框架,支持腾讯开放平台CEE云服务器Web服务引擎。基于MVC设计模式的轻量级PHP框架。免费、开源、易于扩展。-RaPHP open source framework that supports Tencent open platform CEE Cloud Server Web service engine. Lightweight PHP framework based on MVC design pattern. Free, open source, easy to exp
- MVC musicstore web application using asp.net
- hư ớ ng dẫ n web Asp.net MVC cách úp file lên server
- 此例为一个购物车的C#代码,简单的购物车并联系MVC编程模式进行开发的一个Web编程-This example is a shopping cart s C# code, a simple shopping cart and contact MVC programming mode to develop a web programming
- SentCMS的系统内核框架为ThinkPHP。SentCMS网站管理系统采用MVC设计模式,采用单一入口,系统有很好的扩展性,采用功能化、模块化的开发模式,方便开发者进行二次开发。 基于ThinkPHP 依托新版ThinkPHP的功能优势和命名空间的特性。 安全可靠 提供的稳健的安全策略,包括备份恢复,容错,防止恶意攻击登陆,网页防篡改等多项安全管理功能,保证系统安全,可靠,稳定的运行。 应用仓库 官方应用仓库拥有大量的第三方的插件和应用模块、模板主题,众多来自开源社区的贡献,让你
- A free open-source, object-oriented lightweight PHP development framework of quick and easy, released under the Apache2 open source protocol to agile WEB application development and simplify enterprise application development and birth. From abroad a
- BEdita is a Web development framework that provides a full featured content management system. BEdita3 is a reliable software environment that follows the Web standard, builds on CakePHP, and inherits its MVC design patterns.
- 实现新浪微博系统的基本功能,包括注册用户管理,发表心情,上传照片,发私信以及前台表单验证。 项目技术架构:项目采用自定义的仿Struts框架的web系统开发模式,应用MVC的三层体系结构,使系统可以便捷的进行业务扩展和适应变化的业务需求(Sina microblogging system s basic functions, including registered user management, published mood, upload photos, send private mess
- CakePHP is a development framework for rapid development of PHP, which uses a number of common design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association, Data, Mapping, Front, Controller, and MVC. Its main goal is to provide a framework that enables any leve
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
支持Plugin的Delphi ERP框架程序
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- 一个web书城项目,用了mvc,实现购物车,后台管理等基本功能(A project about java web)
Url Shortning
- A simple implementation of URL Shortener. Built with ASP .Net MVC, Web API and Entity Framework. A good example for new developers to start with.
- Sample MVC5 web application showing the use of GenericServices for CRUD operations