- 这是企业管理系统源代码,负责企业的宣传、推广自己公司的源代码,同时该系统内部包含OA系统,可以公司内部相互沟通。-This is a business management system source code, shall be responsible for publicity, to promote their company' s source code, while the system contains an internal OA system can communicate
- 通达oa api uc.php 解密文件-office anywhere s uc
- 使用PHP建立了企业内部的办公自动化网站,对于提高企业的办公效率非常好,同时有利于各部分的交流 -Using PHP to establish the enterprise internal office automation website, to improve the enterprise s office efficiency is very good, at the same time, it is good for the exchange of each part.
- 适用于中小型企业的通用型协同OA管理软件,融合了长期从事管理软件开发的丰富经验与先进技术,该系统采用领先的B/S(浏览器/服务器)操作方式,使得网络办公不受地域限制。(Universal applicable to small and medium enterprises collaborative OA management software, the fusion has long been engaged in the rich experience and advanced techno
- online association, it's simple to use. and it's suit for small business.
- A lightweight IM developed by technology such as ASP.NET, Ajax and Comet. The main features are as follows: 1, the service side of Yun Qian's open source IM is actually a ASP.NET site, so there is no need to use an independent server, and only a Web