- delphi编写的类似QQ聊天的服务器端,使用access数据库,用户管理等操作-prepared in a similar QQ chat server, the use of database access, user management, etc
- Delphi版天气预报-直接从网络上获取国内各大城市的天气,含源码和编译程序。-version of Delphi forecast - directly from the internal network access to major cities in the weather, with source code and compilers.
- 此代码由网上的Http Proxy修正而来。网上流传的Delphi版HttpProxy存在着很多问题,基本访问大部分网站都存在着各种各样问题。 该 代码在前人的基础上,进行了多处修正,基本解决了大部分问题,目前已可正常使用。 修正说明 : 1.重新封装Proxy类 2.修改正访问youhu之类的网站不正常的问题。 3.修正多处内存泄漏和资源释放错误 4.数据同步问题。,This code consists of amendments to come onl
- 获取所有网卡设备,并且可以定时启用网卡或者禁用网卡,曾经用作IP地址监控以及防IP地址乱用的网络使用-Access to all LAN equipment, and can be opened from time to time, or disable the network adapter card has IP address used for monitoring, and anti-IP address of the network with the use of indiscrimi
- 很好的网络监控软件,可以通过获取系统IN OUT的数据流量,还可以获取系统MAC地址等数据-Good network monitoring software, you can access the system through the IN OUT data flow can also access the system data such as MAC address
- 获取网络邻居信息的小程序,用来学习网络编程-Access to network information applet neighbors to learn network programming
- Delphi 获取互联网IP地址,局哉网地址,网卡物理地址,网络通讯-Delphi access to the Internet IP address, the Board Weizai network addresses, network card physical address, network communications
- 网络编程十个重要的实例,使用delphi,获得主机名,ip地址,局域网中共享文件等-10 Key network programming examples, use delphi, access to the host name, ip address, local area network share files, etc.
- 网络流量监控,根据监听网卡,获取网络有关信息-Network traffic monitoring, according to the network card to monitor, access to information networks
- 获取机器地址的源代码,用了一种很特别的方法,或许你想不到这样也可以。-Access to the machine address of the source code, with a very special way, perhaps you can never do.
- 网站网页源代码采集数据工具..ADO链接ACCESS数据库-Web page data collection tool for source code links to ACCESS database .. ADO
- PPPoE技术及其在宽带接入系统中的应用-PPPoE broadband access technology and its application in system
- 玩转颜色是个免费的颜色软件。拥有友好的界面和小巧的身躯,可以获取屏幕上的任何颜色,以RGB,网页,16进制,色素代码,Delphi颜色输出。更可以输入颜色代码调配颜色;自带颜色收藏夹。更可以获取网页中的配色方案,保存起来。适用于编程,网页制作等。-Topsy color is the color of free software. Has a friendly interface and compact body, you can access any on-screen color to RG
- 此程序支持多人一起进入聊天室,首先要通过“设置”模块设置用户网络信息,然后才能选择聊天对象进行聊天。-This program supports people with access to chat rooms, first through the " Settings" module to set user network information, and to opt for chatting to chat.
- TXmlTool 支援以下功能(特徵): 1. 可解析 XPath 2. 自動建造 XPath 的相關 Nodes 3. 具有 Exception 忽略能力 4. 以 XmlDom 為存取基礎, 不會影響原有的 XML 運作.-TXmlTool supports the following functions (features): 1. Can be resolved XPath 2. Automatic Construction of XPath related to
- XML helper class for handling typed attributes. Allows direct, safe access to attributes as boolean, integer, etc.-XML helper class for handling typed attributes. Allows direct, safe access to attributes as boolean, integer, etc.
- TCPView是一个查看端口和线程的小工具,只要*在内存中运行,一定会打开某个端口,只要黑客进入你的电脑,就有新的线程,tcpview虽然是静态表示端口和线程的,但是它方便,占用资源少! -TCPView is a view port and thread a small tool, as long as the Trojan is running in memory, it will certainly open a port, as long as the hacker access
- Mysql Data Access Component
- 一个页面采集代码,获取网页的制定内容 可以用参考作用-A page collection code, access the page content can be used to develop reference
- delphi使用TWebBrowser控件访问WEB页面,调用里边的JS函数-delphi using TWebBrowser control to access the WEB page, call the JS function inside