- Free BSD下TCP/IP协议栈的实现。虽然不是很新,但是许多其他TCP/IP协议栈都是参考它实现的。如果学习的话,建议看这个版本,原滋原味-Free BSD TCP / IP protocol stack is achieved. Although it is not new, but many other TCP / IP protocol stack is the realization of reference it. If learning, I suggest they look
- 这是我花了一个星期独立编出来的课设,得了100分,整个专业就只 有三个满分!现拿出来和大家一起分享,内含24点游戏,飞机订票系统 和火车信息查询系统以及课设论文,注释非常详细,相信对学习C语言 和数据结构的同学大有帮助。 -This is what I spent a week down the independent class-based, had 100 points, on the whole, only three out! Now like to share with
- 网上报修系统后台登陆用户名和密码都是admin 后台登陆路径/admin/index.asp 用户注册身份验证 组别、姓名、班级都填sundmt就可以啦! 身份验证组别、姓名、班级验证码的修改要打开数据库修改 方法:把#net.asa文件的扩展名改为.mdb后打开数据库修改表yanzhengzheng中的xuehao、xingming、shenfen项即可。 由于本人能力有限,好多地方还不完善。如果那位高手做了修改完善,希望给我一份,以做学习! cj
- Managed I/O Completion Ports (IOCP) is part of a .NET class library named Sonic.Net, which I first released on CodeProject in May 2005. Sonic.Net is a free open source class library that can be used in building highly scalable server side .NET pplica
- 一、建立空窗体 新建一个工程,添加引用,并导入名称空间。 加入一个设备对象变量: private Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device device = null; 添加初始化图形函数,并在这里面对设备对象进行实例化: public void InitializeGraphics() { PresentParameters presentParams = new PresentParam
- 很好的一个类,封装了基本的TCP基本方法,TCP编程时会很方便(可直接重用),我自己做的,用了好几年了。,A very good class, a basic TCP package basic method, TCP programming will be very convenient (direct reuse), I do use for several years.
- PJ Naughter的SMTP类封装实例,可以透过带密码验证的SMTP Server发送text/html的电子邮件。 本人更改后,可以在Visual Studio 2003下编译通过。-PJ Naughter the SMTP class encapsulates example, with the password can be authenticated SMTP Server to send text/html email. I changes, can be compiled u
- 这是一个快捷的电子邮件客户端。它有一些很好的功能,如支持多附件, HTML格式,地址簿, HTML格式设计等。-This is a smart email sending application. It has some good features like CC, BCC, Multiple attachments, HTML Format (Embedded image), Address book, HTML Design tool etc. I am using vbSendMail C
- This article presents my work for managing XML documents into a VC++ application.I made this class with the help of Tom Archer s source code found on the CodeGuru Web site. For my personal application, I need to be able to load, parse, and save an XM
- I ve done alot of hard work to bring you an easy way to use winsock in your applications. This code is well commented. Shows how to use SOCKETS, winsock2.h and alot of other stuff. Connect, Listen, Send Data, Get data etc. I created a class to make
- system.sockes命名空间了实现 berkeley 套接字接口。通过这个类,我们可以实现网络计算机之间的消息传输和发送。而在我下面要讨论的这个议题里,我们将讨论的是用套接字实现文件的传输.这种方法有别于ftp协议实现的的文件传输方法,利用ftp的方法需要一个专门的服务器和客户端,无疑于我们要实现的点对点的文件传输太为复杂了一些。在这里,我们实现一个轻量级的方法来实现点对点的文件传输,这样就达到了intenet上任何两个计算机的文件共享。 -namespace system.socke
- In this code, I will present a C++ class used to easily create and manipulate UDP packets from scratch. This can be useful for Windows users who can t send custom UDP packets using Winsock. (XP SP2 and later). In the sample application, WinPCap is us
- After working with a couple of XML projects for the last six months, I am ready to share a class I wrote called XmlHelper which got me through all the complexity of XML and made my life a lot simpler. If you are a XML beginner or have no idea about X
- 一个Ftp操作的类,简单实用 很多人都想要一个简单的并且能完成Ftp应有功能的代码。你现在看到的这个类就有这样的功能。 它用很简单的代码,来实现了您需要的功能。它可以轻松的帮您上传文件,并结束对话。 它是如此的简单,相信你很快就能掌握它。 -Ftp a class action, simple and practical, many people want a simple and can be completed Ftp proper function of the code. Y
- RAS API 写的windows 拨号程序,支持IPV6拨号。国内暂时很少有PPPOE支持IPV6的服务器,但是随着IPV6的推广与普及,必定会大量出现IPV6的服务器,到时PPPOE支持IPV6的客户端也必定需要有人去研究,掌握。这是用VS2010写的一个基于RAS API 的拨号程序,里面有我自己写的一个拨号类。希望能给大家的学习带来帮助-RAS API to write the windows dialer, dial-up support IPV6. Few domestic PPPO
- 如果你正在Windows环境中用C++编写TCP/IP网络程序,那么使用这个打包类吧,我想它不会让你失望的。winSocket几乎封装了编写TCP/IP网络应用程序所需的所有内容,winSocketEx加入了对SOCKS 4/5代理服务器的支持。使得在自己的程序中加入代理支持易如反掌。这个打包类支持的特性包括:Connect、Send、Receive、Close、Listen、Bind、Accept、asyncSelect、get_LocalHost、get_LocalPort、get_Remo
- java MD5加密操作类 本人所写 只做学习参考-Java MD5 encryption operation class I write only learning reference
- POINT三维点类,支持常规点运算,平移、旋转、坐标换算等-POINT three-dimensional point class, I support the conventional point of computing, translation, rotation, coordinate conversion, etc.
- 使用session 开发,session使用方便,速度快。这原来是一个国外的朋友开发的类,我只是在这基础上增加了应用部分,也可以在此基础上做更多的扩展,欢迎朋友们使用。-Use development session, session easy to use, fast. It turned out to be a friend overseas development class, I just based on the increase in this part of the applica
- 这个程序是一个非常干净的代码,由有经验的程序员编写,使用C ++类cSocket,在C ++平台上编写,并且附带一个MFC演示应用程序。 cSocket类很容易使用,即使是初学者也没有问题。(Event driven (non blocking, asynchronous) Winsock programming is a very complex topic. It is definitely NOT for beginners! I needed such code and searched