Morpheus Source Code - mpesrc1.zip
- Morpheus Source Code
Cisco Ios Source Code
- Cisco Ios source code-Cisco Ios source code
p2p code
- 简单p2p服务端客户端源码. p2p server/client code.-simple peer-to-peer client-service source. Peer-to-peer server / client code.
- MFC-MUTE-0.0.6-SOURCE-CODE.zip。一个用mfc写的p2p的文件传输系统,非常优秀的代码。-MFC-MUTE - bot-SOURCE - CODE.zip. Mfc with a written document p2p transmission system, very good code.
- VERYCD中用的中国驴,包括完整的所需类库源代码,是学习VC的P2P编程和网络编程、修改EMULE的最佳档案。-VERYCD China used donkeys, including complete source code for libraries, learning VC P2P programming and network programming, modify EMULE the best records.
- 非常著名的P2P计算项目的源代码。对于研究P2P的拓扑构造、DHT算法等有着巨大的帮助-most famous peer-to-peer computing project's source code. For research P2P topology structure, DHT algorithm has a tremendous help
- 代码管理工具,适合大型项目的代码查询、阅读、管理等工作。-code management tool for large-scale projects code inquiries, reading, management, and so on.
- 部署智能客户端应用程序的源代码,说明文档见前一项。-deployment of smart client application's source code, documentation, op 1.
- 本源码为《嵌入式linux应用程序开发详解》的配套代码.作者是孙琼-the source "embedded Linux application development Comments on" supporting code. The writer is a bin
- 一个irc聊天室程序代码,虽然简单,但适合初学者学习使用!-an irc chat room code, although simple, but for beginners learning to use!
- viking病毒清除工具原码,花一个晚上写得-viking virus removal tool for the original code, written spend an evening
- The source code of Book-- ASP.NET development cases collections
firewall code
- 又一个防火墙源代码,是用VC做的,功能虽然比较简单,但对初学者有用吧-also a firewall source code is the use of VC do, even though it is relatively simple, but it useful for beginners
- Delphi基于TIdFTP文件上传实例代码Delphi example code based on TIdFTP File Upload -Delphi example code based on TIdFTP File Upload
- ns2网络仿真的实例以及对应测试分析代码,含有时延,抖动,丢包率等-ns2 network simulation examples and counterparts test analysis code, containing latency, jitter, packet loss rate etc.
- 当前很多文章多提到的lugi的reed-solomon编码的源代码,比较不错-At present a lot of the article mentioned many Lugi of reed-solomon coding the source code, compare well
source code
- java网络编程员代码,前八章,涉及到基本服务器,客户端编程,和多线程的基本例子,十分适合初学者。-Network programmers java code, the former eight chapters, covering the basic server, client-side programming, and basic example of multi-threaded, very suitable for beginners.
- 自己编写的测试以太网的软件,完善到特定领域可以进一步用做以太网上位机软件的实用程序,本部分是本人开发以太网上位机软件的测试程序所有源代码。-I have written test Ethernet software, improve specific areas that can further be used as Ethernet Host Computer software, utilities, this section is my Ethernet Host Computer soft
- 网络僵尸3服务端代码,由不知名黑客提供,可用于*学习-Botnet 3 server-side code, by unknown hackers, can be used to avoid learning to kill
- Hadoop in action Hadoop实践 Chuck Lam 源代码-Hadoop in action Hadoop source code of practice, Chuck Lam