- 用于OMNeT++的模板,可仿真几种经典的无线传感网络节点定位算法,如dv-hop, robust positioning-for OMNeT template, several classical simulation of wireless sensor network node positioning algorithm, is defined as-hop, robust positioning
- Recently, IEEE 802.16j multi-hop relay network is proposed to increase data rate and coverage of the IEEE 802.16e networks. The Relay Station (RS) is introduced to relay the data from MR-BS to SS/MS or from SS/MS to MR-RS. We have studied the researc
- 基于rip协议的距离向量算法 收到相邻路由器(地址为X)的每一个rip报文 1,先修改此报文中的所有项目:将“下一跳”字段中的地址都改为X,并将所有的“距离”字段的值加1 2,对修改后的报文中的每一个项目,重复以下步骤 若项目中的目的网络不在路由表中,则将该项目添加到路由表中 否则,若下一跳字段给的路由器地址是同样的,则将收到的项目替换原路由表中的项目 否则,若收到的项目中的距离小于路由表中的距离,则进行更新 否则,设么也不做-Rip protocol b
- 本文讨论了802.11标准定义的无线局域网的两种组网结构IBSS和ESS的工作原理,分析了它们的多地址帧结构在组网中的功能和作用,讨论了MAC协议对无线站点的移动性支持方面的不足,以及在组建多跳无线网时需要进一步解决的问题。-This article discusses the 802.11 standard defines two types of wireless LAN networking structure of the working principle of IBSS and ES
- 在NS-2环境中实现了移动Ad Hoc的两种广播算法:Flood和Bcast。里面本来有个test目录,包含了很多节点移动模型文件,由于太大了,因此就没上传。-This code implements two broadcast protocols, FLOOD and BCAST. FLOOD is a simple flooding protocol: the first time a node receives a packet, it is re-broadcast. BCAST
- 本方法是采用 DV-HOP算法进行节点之间的定位。-This method is the use of DV-HOP algorithm positioning between nodes.
- 无线传感器网络多跳控制程序 tymo无线传感器网络多跳控制程序-Multi-hop wireless sensor network control procedures
- 主要描述了Chord中,网络规模和传递信息时所用的跳数之间的关系。-This source code mainly describes the relation between the network size and the hop counter in Chord.
- This dissertation contributes a jam-resistant communications protocol for use in mobile ad-hoc network (MANET). Specic focus is given to the network layer rout- g of packets within a MANET. A MANET is a self-organizing multi-hop wireless twork
- 无线自组网按需平面距离矢量路由协议(Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing,AODV),是应用于无线网状网络(也称作无线Ad hoc网络)中进行路由选择的路由协议,它能够实现单播和多播路由。该协议是Ad Hoc网络中按需生成路由方式的典型协议。 -In MANETs without centralized infrastructures,mobile nodes communicate with each other over multi-hop wir
- In this paper, we address the problem of gateway placement for throughput optimization in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. Assume that each mesh nodes in the mesh network has a traffi c demand. Given the number of gateways to deploy (de
- An innovative gateway placement scheme is proposed for wireless mesh networks (WMNs) in this paper. It determines the location of a gateway based on a new performance metric called multi-hop traffic-flow weight (MTW). The MTW computation
- Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) are increasingly becoming popular as low cost alternatives to wired network for providing broadband access to users (the last mile connectivity). In these multi-hop networks, data is forwarded to a gateway from th
- Multi-channel Multi-radio revison source code in wireless mesh network
- Batman-adv 2011.3.0是最新的多跳Ad-Hoc Mesh网路由协议。发布日期是2011.8.21 -Batman-adv 2011.3.0 is the latest multi-hop Ad-Hoc Mesh Network by the agreement. Release date is 2011.8.21
- 优化的路由查找算法的实现。 可以动态创建、更新路由表,并能根据目标地址(Destination Address)找到相应的下一跳(Next Hop)。-Optimized route lookup algorithm. Can dynamically create, update routing table, and according to the target address to find the corresponding next hop.
- 该程序模拟路由器中路由查找的过程。对每一个IP包,路由器都必须在路由表中进行一次最长前缀匹配查找,继而将IP包逐跳转发到其目的地址。该程序集中模拟最长前缀匹配(Longest Prefix Matching)这个过程。-The program simulated router routing lookup process. For each IP packet, the router must be conducted in the routing table to find the longe
- 不同于普通DV-Hop算法,讲述了三维DV-Hop算法的过程。-Unlike ordinary DV-Hop algorithm, and about the process of three-dimensional DV-Hop algorithm.
- a mobile ad hoc network for coding concerning hop by hop coding in mathlab
- 实现了WSN中的Dv-Hop定位算法的功能(The function of Dv-Hop positioning algorithm in WSN is realized)