- Linux 2.6.* 内核Capability LSM模块进程特权信任状本地权限提升漏洞-Linux kernel 2.6 .* Capability LSM module process privilege from the local authority trust Vulnerability
- querycycle是斯坦福大学用java语言开发的P2P仿真软件,主要是用于P2P信任方向。,querycycle Stanford University developed using java language P2P simulation software, mainly for the direction of P2P trust.
- DyTrust_一种P2P系统中基于时间帧的动态信任模型,在此与各位网友共享了。-DyTrust_ a P2P system based on the time frame of dynamic trust model, in this with you friends shared.
- Algorithms and trust in P2P systems, Doctoral Thesis-Algorithms and trust in P2P systems
- 讲解TCP IP 的PPT,相信对于你深入理解TCP ip 协议有很大的帮助作用-TCP IP on the PPT, you trust for the protocol TCP ip-depth understanding of great help to have the role of
- Improving Data Access in P2P Systems;Information Retrieval in P2P Networks Using Genetic Algorithm;Managing Trust in a Peer-2-Peer Information System;Peer-to-Peer 文件共享系统中信誉机制的研究;对等网络研究综述,etc。-Improving Data Access in P2P Systems Information Retrieva
- Improving Data Access in P2P Systems;Information Retrieval in P2P Networks Using Genetic Algorithm;Managing Trust in a Peer-2-Peer Information System;Peer-to-Peer 文件共享系统中信誉机制的研究;对等网络研究综述,etc。-Improving Data Access in P2P Systems Information Retrieva
- Improving Data Access in P2P Systems;Information Retrieval in P2P Networks 第三部分的 Using Genetic Algorithm;Managing Trust in a Peer-2-Peer Information System;Peer-to-Peer 文件共享系统中信誉机制的研究;对等网络研究综述,etc。-Improving Data Access in P2P Systems Information Re
- Bitcoin是点对点(peer-to-peer)基于网络的匿名数字货币。点对点(peer-to-peer)的意思是指没有中央权威控制货币 的汇款通道。相反,这些货币转帐的任务是由网络节点进行的集体管理。匿名就意味着交易各方可以隐藏自己的真实身份。优势: 无需信托中间人,能够方便的进行互联网上的汇款。 第三方不能够控制或者阻止您的交易。 Bitcoin 交易几乎免费, 而信用卡的网上在线支付系统通常收取 1-5 的交易费用,加上其他各种费用高达数百美元。 避免了中央储
- 这是一个典型的即时通信系统,java实现,可以聊QQ,类似于qq的互信通信。-This is a typical instant communication systems, Java implementation, can just QQ, similar to the QQ mutual trust communication.
- P2P聊天,C/S结构的点对点聊天系统。很好用的。-P2P C/Syou can use it to pass the text,trust me.good luck
- 一种移动P2P网络环境下的动态安全信任模型A mobile P2P network environment dynamic security trust model-A mobile P2P network environment dynamic security trust model
- This P2P simulator is used in the evaluation of trust management algorithms
- 一个用于PHP实现telnet终端的类,可以模拟实现telnet登录交换机设备,输入指令并输出结果- strongly recommend that you do not store your username and password in a PHP scr ipt unless only people you trust completely have access to your server. Instead, use a form to enter the username and
- 远程控制,一个客户端,一个服务端,本质是个简易*。实现功能只有一些简单的,如开关机,获取口令,建立账户,检测硬盘容量等。by信抗-Remote control, a client, a server, in essence, is a simple Trojan. Achieve only a few simple functions, such as switching machine, get a password, set up accounts, detect the hard dis
- IMGCMS图片管理系统-是一款专注针对于图片类网站开发的一套CMS管理程序.采用最高效PHP+MYSQL架构,可在不同的平台上运行(Windows、Linux、Unix).系统专注于访问速度,优化收录等主要因素,来赢取客户的信任,IMGCMS会一直不断完善.欢迎关注IMGCMS的成长.我们会一步一步一点一滴的做出最好的产品.-IMG CMS Image Management System- Is a focus on image sites for the development of a C
- 一个可以提供给用户做为网络游戏物品装备交易的平台,可以由用户向网站发出物品交易委托申请,由网站做为中间人保证交易顺利完成,同时又可以做为游戏周边产品及其他商品销售的网上商城,该系统把2大功能紧密结合在一起,让使用该程序的用户能更方便快捷安全的管理一个属于自己的网站 用户名:admin 密码:8741137-A user can be provided to the network as a platform game items and equipment trading, tradin
- 淘宝返利检测程序,配合返利网使用,推广会员效果超好 一个很实用的小程序,现在还有很多人对返利网还抱有怀疑的态度, 不知道为什么会有返利?自己购买了是否真的能返利? 使用此工具可使进入你网站的用户增加对网站的信任度。让你会员爆增,收入爆增。 -There is still a lot of people on the rebate network also has a skeptical attitude, do not know why the rebate? Their purchase is