- 经过对v6.0为期一个月的调整,WRMPS v6.1 正式和大家见面,此版本在原6.0的基础上除修正旧版本所有问题外,还增加了很多人性化的功 能。-After adjustment for one-month v6.0, WRMPS v6.1 officially meet you, this version based on the original 6.0 on all issues except the old version corrected, but also adds a lot
- 网人城市分类信息系统WRClass为 WRMPS 中分离而来,去掉了一些和分类信息不相关的功能,如店铺、产品等,并在此基础上进行了修改及优化,使其更加符合分类信息网站的需求。-Urban Information System network of people classified as WRMPS WRClass separated from, removed some of the information is not classified and related features, suc