- 一个C#写的IOCP(完成接口)的示例程序,明确的写出了实现IOCP的核心算法。有研究服务器端高效编程的程序员,可以参考一下。,A C# written in IOCP (complete interface) of the sample programs and clear the heart to write algorithms to achieve IOCP. Studies have high-performance server-side programming programmer
- 1通过socket实现的FTP客户端,也是计算机网络的课程设计,内有详细说明,以及使用方法。 2由于出自学生之手,有少许错误还请包涵在VS2005环境下测试通过,可查看目录,改变目录,上传文件,下载文本文件(不同操作系统的服务器,自己开服务器可以下所有类型文件), 3操作方式类似于控制台方式打开FTP。 4网上少有的使用C++的SOCKET方式访问FTP,算法属于底层算法,不同于直接使用FTP类-1 through the socket to achieve the FTP clie
- A C implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence. Package includes data structures and also some test data.
- 也就是在浏览网页或看Email时出现的不能辨认的字符。以前也有许多的文章介绍过“ 乱码”,不过他们的文章只是讲怎样辨别和怎样用工具解码,并没有详细介绍各种编码 的算法的实现,本文将对互联网上最常用的几种编码的编码和解码算法作以详细的阐述 。希望对想了解“乱码”算法或想在自己程序中实现这些功能朋友们有一些参考价值。 本文的源程序用C语言写成,形式为函数,可直接使用。-That is, in browsing the web or Email to see when the unre
- Ford algorithms trees The Bellman–Ford algorithm computes single-source shortest paths in a weighted digraph. For graphs with only non-negative edge weights, the faster Dijkstra s algorithm also solves the problem. Thus, Bellman–Ford is used primar
- 在c++builder中为了保证数据的发送真确,在数据中加入校验和的算法-In c++ builder in order to ensure the authenticity of the data sent in data checksum algorithms to add
- NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide are
- The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision algorithms specializing in image understanding and local featurexs extraction and matching. Algorithms incldue Fisher Vector, VLAD, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomera