- P2P-Radio is a peer-to-peer audio and video broadcasting system that features freeloader detection, stream signing, SHOUTcast support, an easy-to-use GUI and a separate monitor application which displays the current structure of the P2P network.-P
- 能够实现rtp连接的g711音频流的播放,并能够将mic音频流以一定的格式发送给建立连接的对方,在pc机上即可运行-Be able to realize rtp connections g711 audio stream player, and will be able to mic the audio stream to a certain format sent to the other side set up to connect in the pc machine to run
- 用TCP 和UDPprotocol来传输数据,具体请见英文描述-Introduction In this assignment, you will build a client for a simple streaming transport protocol. Media streams such as compressed video or audio are typically delay and jitter sensitive- real-time conversation
- rtsp服务器,自己编写的,还不是很好,还有待完善,不过有一定参考作用吧-this is a stream mediea server,it can stream audio or viedio separately. it not perfect.the auther holp that it can be heathful
- 多媒体服务器,中实时流传输协议 RTP 详细说明了在互联网上传递音频和视频的标准数据包格式-Multimedia server, real-time streaming protocol RTP detailed descr iption of the standard packet format to transfer audio and video on the Internet
- FFmpeg是一套可以用来记录、转换数字音频、视频,并能将其转化为流的开源计算机程序。它包括了目前领先的音/视频编码库libavcodec。 FFmpeg是在Linux下开发出来的,但它可以在包括Windows在内的大多数操作系统中编译。这个项目是由Fabrice Bellard发起的,现在由Michael Niedermayer主持。可以轻易地实现多种视频格式之间的相互转换,例如可以将摄录下的视频avi等转成现在视频网站所采用的flv格式- FFmpeg is a record used