- 网络电话] 视频会议H323终端myconf V1.01, 2005-04-07, 0, 594 KB. [视频处理] 视频快刀Build 2004, 2005-04-07, 0, 8.28 MB ... 编程其它] 数据文件源码生成器V1.0.1,2005-04-07, 0, 243 KB. [数据备份] 数据拯救者V1.0, 2005-04-07, 0, 3.28 MB -telephone network] H323 video conferencing terminal myconf f
- 香港中文大学教授yufei tao的生产服从齐夫分布数据的生成器,可在gnu c在使用-The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor yufei tao of production obey Zipf distribution data generator can be used in the gnu c
- it is a program that implements Cyclic Redundancy Check to the transmitted data in binary format for error detection in the data at the receiver side (if any). It appends as many CRC check bits to the original data which is 1 less than the size of th
- poison generator is a tools to generate a random data for network simulation ns-2.-poison generator is a tools to generate a random data for network simulation ns-2.
- 实现串口1一直发送数据,使其作为一个数据发生器。每隔1秒发送32个字节数据-Serial one has to send data to act as a data generator. Every 1 seconds to send 32 bytes of data
- 流量产生器 可以以固定速率或随机速率往指定IP端口发送数据流-The traffic generator can be at a fixed rate or random rate to the specified IP port to send data stream
- Clock Generator for Cavium Processors ICS8413S09I data sheet
- jquery二维码在线生成器是一款基于jquery.qrcode.js、jquery-1.4.2.min.js和qrcode.js等插件制作的二维码在线生成网页代码。可随意生成多张二维码图片,拿手机扫一扫就能获取二维码内容数据。-jquery dimensional code generator is an online based jquery.qrcode.js, jquery-1.4.2.min.js and qrcode.js and other plug-in to generate
穿目前所有还原下载者 C 源码
- [C/C++] 穿目前所有还原的下载者 C++源码 下载者包括四个工程: CDown:生成器 userinit:真正的下载者 Dat:驱动和下载者的安装程序 pass:驱动程序 原理:驱动程序可以穿透还原卡,并且可以修改系统文件,这里是通过修改系统文件userinit.exe来实现的。userinit.exe的功能很简单,就是启动explorer.exe。这里就是通过替换uerinit.exe,伪造一个userinit.exe。这个伪造的程序可以实现uerinit.exe的原始功能,
- IEEE69节点潮流计算程序,包括节点数据,支路数据和发电机数据。(MATLAB, case69.m, include bus data, branch data and generator data.)