- XMail version 0.39是个邮件服务器软件,具有如下功能: 1) SMTP 服务器 2) POP3 服务器 3) Finger 服务器 4) 多域名 5) 用户不需要实际的系统帐号 6) SMTP 中继检查 7) SMTP RBL 映象检查 (rbl.maps.vix.com) 8) SMTP RSS 映象检查 (relays.mail-abuse.org) 9) SMTP 垃圾邮件拒绝 10) 带外部POP帐号的POP3帐号同步器 11
- 本程序是一个module, 使用这个程序需要先把它编译出来(这里是把main.c编译成main.o)。编译命令如下: gcc -O -c -Wall main.c 使用的时候须用insmod main.o命令加载,不用时用rmmod main.o命令卸载就可以了。此程序还需要Linux2.4 kernel和netfilter的支持,Linux2.4.*内核的标准安装里有netfilter/iptables-this program is a module, the use o
- 这是一个C++版本的httptunnel代码,支持NTLM密码验证,支持SSL,可以建立多个通道,在最新版本的cygwin下用GCC编译通过,This is a C++ Version httptunnel code, support for NTLM Password Authentication to support SSL, can create multiple channels, in the latest version of cygwin using GCC compiler th
- linux下的FTP服务器,使用C开发,GCC编译;实现文件的上传、下载、断点续传;技术点:守候进程、进程间通讯、管道、soket编程、文件I/O标准库函数与系统调用、文件权限管理,FTP server under linux, using the C Development, GCC compiler file upload, download, HTTP technical point: waiting for the process of inter-process communica
- 类似memcache的轻量级缓存系统.The like memcached mini memory cache daemon (ANSI C, GCC require.-The like memcached mini memory cache daemon (ANSI C, GCC require
- C-S通信的server端程序,linux环境gcc编译通过,实现了简单的文本传输,读懂即可了解整个socket通信的流程,绝对原创,希望大家能支持。-CS communications server-side procedures, linux environment through the gcc compiler, the realization of a simple transfer of text, read to understand the whole process socke
- 基于TCP的控制台下局域网ftp(C/S),能够实现简单ftp命令。具有简单的客户端身份认证功能。内含简单的makefile文件,用记事本打开,可初步参考学习makefile。另外,对于linux环境下Socket编程爱好者,此文件是初级学习阶段不错的参考资料代码。 开发测试环境:Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5 编译工具:gcc 3.2.2 20030222 -TCP-based network control panel under the ftp (C/S),
- this an ipv6 client it uses to the tcp port 61616 ,you can change the port to what ever you want the compile with gcc to have it working-this is an ipv6 client it uses to the tcp port 61616 ,you can change the port to what ever you want the compile w
- this very old shell but still good to learn from the code looks like spanish it runs in nix/win32 multiplatform! coded in c++ CRShell Programado por XpyXt URL: http://xpyxt.no-ip.com URL2: http://xpyxt.no-ip.info/crshell Mail: xpyx
- 网络文件传输,用Linux C结合Socket进行编程,这个文件是客户端部分,可直接用gcc编译.-Network file transfer, with the Linux C with Socket programming, this document is the client part, can be directly compiled using gcc.
- linux下C实现的NTP协议时间同步,直接gcc编译即可运行-C achieved under linux time synchronization protocol NTP, direct gcc compiler can be run
- Mango Sniffer 2 (MS2), es un programa de computadora escrito en Lenguaje C puro, que utiliza una biblioteca de apoyo llamada “libpcap”. MS2 es un programa denominado Sniffer (Palabra en ingles que literalmente debería traducirle como “husmeador”). Ma
- Simple program to call 2 threads in C for linux to compile : gcc hilo.c -l pthread -o thread -Wa-Simple program to call 2 threads in C for linux to compile : gcc hilo.c -l pthread -o thread -Wall
- 建立交叉编译环境时交叉编译工具gcc-3.4.4所需的补丁文件-Build cross-compiler environment gcc-3.4.4 cross compiler tools required to patch
- linux gcc epoll network for the service,
- 构造一个DNS报文,查了好些资料,好象许多朋友对UDP报文的校验和老是出问题,自己试了一些例子代码,也有问题。所以花了一些时间,做了一个成功的例子,在Linux下GCC通过并验证成功-Construct a DNS packet, to check better information, and if many friends UDP packet checksum always problems, his trial some example code, there are problems.
- 一框gcc编译器,可用于对C以及C++源程序进行编译,适用于RedHat9.0版本的交叉工具的编译-complier of gcc
- dos 工具 用老版本的gcc编译,否则会出错-dos tools with older versions of THING
- Network programming of C and C++ based on Linux(Network programming of C and C++based on linux)
- 使用GCC编译器或DEV-CPP时,编译记得加上 -lws2_32,要不然可能会无法编译