- Interverse Project - The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and cont
- PrintNow is a 32-bit application that runs only under Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. It allows your PrtScr and Alt+PrtScr keys to print a screen capture directly to your printer instead of just copying the image to the Windows clipboard. PrintNo
- 这是一个linux 嵌入式系统中很重要的GCC编译器程序-This is a linux embedded system is very important GCC compiler procedures
- Windows NT 4.0 had WIPCfg32.exe, and Windows 95/98/ME had WinIPCfg.exe. For some reason, this utility was removed from Windows 2000/XP. This program is a clone of WinIPCfg.exe, written for Windows XP. For those of you who are unfamiliar with WinIPCfg
- 这是一个用C语言实现的WEB服务器,一款主要面向嵌入式系统的WEB服务器。它支持ASP,嵌入的JAVASCRPT与内存CGI处理。理论上,你可以在非嵌入式环境下很好的使用GoAhead Web服务器(正如我写这篇文章时所做的)。它的参考平台有Windows CE, Wind River VxWorks, Linux, Lynx, QNX,与Windows 95/98/NT。它基本上属于一个HTTP1.0标准的WEB服务器,对一些HTTP1.1的特性如(持久连接)也提供了支持。 ,This is
- AODV路由协议源码aodv-uu-0.95,AODV是平面按需距离矢量路由协议,广泛用于无线传感器网络和移动自组网。此协议代码可用于NS2等仿真软件对路由的移植。-The source routing protocol AODV aodv-uu-0.95, AODV is flat demand distance vector routing protocol that is widely used in wireless sensor networks and mobile ad hoc n
- 这一个 邮件客户端,是firefox采用的邮件系统中的一部份-This is a mail client, is a firefox e-mail system used in a part of
- This not free software.Subject to the terms below,you are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 days evaluation period a registration fee of
- sting 一个基于TCP的网络测量工具,可以设定远程IP 端口号,测量线程的RTT和丢包率-Here is the output from a sample session: [savage1]# ./sting www.cnn.com Connection setup took 80 ms src = (1753156211) dst = (347132509) dataSent = 100,
- A SaaS application is designed for Google App Engine as PaaS for chekcing the value at risk for 95 and 99 confidence.-A SaaS application is designed for Google App Engine as PaaS for chekcing the value at risk for 95 and 99 confidence.
- 本书专门讨论Windows网络编程技术,覆盖Windows 95/98/NT 4/2000/CE平台。内容包括NetBIOS和 Windows重定向器方法、Winsock方法、客户端远程访问服务器方法。本书论述深入浅出、用大量实例详 解了微软网络API函数的应用。配套光盘包含了所有实例代码,方便读者使用。本书适合中、高级程序 设计人员以及网络设计与管理人员参考。 第一章 传统网络API-Book devoted to the Windows network pr
- gcc 2.95 version for linux. It is one of the stable versions of gcc.
- iou源代码 linux 下面又一神模拟器,造福学交换路由的孩子,可接合最新版本的GNS3进行做实验。- iou source code Here is another simulator linux God, for the benefit of school children to exchange routing, the latest version of GNS3 engageable were doing experiments.
- MooPHP,全名是More Original PHP Framwork。从MooPHP的全名我们就可以感受到MooPHP框架的设计理念:在安全、高效、稳定、易用的前提下,还原PHP语言的原生态;以松耦合的方式,进一步增强了MooPHP的扩展性。-MooPHP, full name is More Original PHP Framwork. From the full name, we can feel MooPHP frame design MooPHP: Under the safe, e
- MooPHP,全名是More Original PHP Framwork。从MooPHP的全名我们就可以感受到MooPHP框架的设计理念:在安全、高效、稳定、易用的前提下,还原PHP语言的原生态;以松耦合的方式,进一步增强了MooPHP的扩展性。-The full name is Original PHP Framwork More. From the full name of the moophp we can feel moophp framework design concept: in
- Gelato CMS是一款开源的多用户版轻博客系统,你可以自由使用和修改代码,Gelato CMS有普通、图片、视频、音频、链接、对话六种文章格式。 -Gelato CMS is an open source multi-user version of the light blog system, you can freely use and modify the code, Gelato CMS has normal, pictures, video, audio, links, dialog
- CDMA的IS-95系统反向业务信道端到端的模拟,基于simulink()
- CDMA的IS-95系统反向业务信道端到端的模拟,基于simulink()
- IS-95系统中反向业务信道采用接入信道采用3,1,8的卷积码,其码率R 1 3,约束长度K 9,提供一种简单的卷积码解码方()
- IS-95系统中反向业务信道采用接入信道采用3,1,8的卷积码,其码率R 1 3,约束长度K 9,提供一种简单的卷积码解码方()