- This Fifth Edition is completely revised and expanded to cover javascr ipt as it is used in today s Web 2.0 applications. This book is both an example-driven programmer s guide and a keep-on-your-desk reference, with new chapters that explain everyth
- java canvas drawing which is used to produce a remarkable drawing surface for all users in the account when lopgged in-java canvas drawing which is used to produce a remarkable drawing surface for all users in the account when lopgged in
- 要内容是使用JSP+SQL server编写一个在线的作业提交系统。该系统的内容有:1登陆系统。自动区分登陆者为学生、教师、管理员,并显示相应页面。2注册系统,只提供学生的注册,教师由管理员添加,仅设1名管理员帐户,系统第一次运行时注册认证。3只有目的用户可见的留言板系统。通过对数据库的匹配查询实现。(The content is to use JSP SQL server to write an online job submission system. The contents of the