- - IP Messenger is a pop up style message communication software for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP). - This software don t need server machine. - Simple, lightweight, and free software :-) - Win, Win16, Mac(Japanese
- This package is free software and is part of the GNOME project. The package contains an integrated GNOME VNC server and a VNC client written in Java. -This package is free software and is part of theGNOME project. The package contains an
- 局域网聊天,传文件工具,源码可编译 - IP Messenger is a pop up style message communication software for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP). - This software don t need server machine. - Simple, lightweight, and free software :-) - Win, Win
- socket聊天室,有SERVER端和CLIENT端,先运行SERVER端,再运行CLIENT端可多次添加用户,各用户可以自由聊天,有聊天记录显示!-socket chat rooms, has SERVER and CLIENT client-side, first run the SERVER side, and then run the client CLIENT add multiple users, the users are free to chat, have a chat rec
- 网上银行 JSP开发~JAVASript貌似有点多-Internet banking JSP Development ~ JAVASript looks like a bit more
- servlet api全解 This document is built from the HTML documentations available at java.sun.com. It is regularly updated, when new versions of original documentations become available. To download updates and many other WinHelp and HTMLHelp Java docume
- LANShield是一款本人自己写的网络防火墙程序,LAN Shield 2.0.rar为主程序源码,开发环境为VS2005;MyFireWallLSP.rar为过滤模块; Server为服务器源码,Java编写,非阻塞模式。 软件功能: 1.有效拦截局域网内的ARP攻击,并具有保护网关功能 2.可配合服务器端,更有效管理局域网网络 3.自带应用层过滤模块,有效控制本机进程的网络访问 4.自带攻击模块,用于反击,包含所有AR
- 介绍复杂网络社区划分社区特性的源代码,尤其是无标度网络-Introduced the complex network of community characteristics into the source code of the community, in particular, scale-free network
- 三维模型浏览器,源代码,国外程序员编写,希望对大家有用-a md3 model viewer which i write in C++ with the free development environment dev-c++. I use the libraries FLTK and opengl to display the model. Actually only the meshes are displayed. Development Status 4- Beta Environmen
- 为解决P2P中搭便车和恶意诽谤,基于博弈论设计了一种P2P激励机制。这是模拟实验程序。压缩包中有相关的发布文件和运行说明。-To address free-riding in P2P and malicious libel, based on game theory has designed a P2P incentive mechanism. This is a simulation program. Compressed package release relevant documents
- SNMP4J是一个用Java来实现SNMP(简单网络管理协议)协议的开源项目.它支持以命令行的形式进行管理与响应。SNMP4J是纯面向对象设计与SNMP++(用C++实现SNMPv1/v2c/v3)相类似。此为最新的1.11版本。-SNMP4J is an enterprise class free open source and state-of-the-art SNMP implementation for Java™ 2SE 1.4 or later. SNMP4J supp
- XML解析器在XML文件中载入一个满内存,它解析文件,它会产生一个树结构代表XML文件。当然,你也可以解析XML数据,你已经储存自己变成一个内存缓冲区中。此后,你可以很轻易地“探”树,让你的数据。你也可以使用“添加修改树”和“删除”功能和再生一个XML字符串从subtree格式化。-Here is how it works: The XML parser loads a full XML file in memory, it parses the file and it generates a
- 使用java 编写的浏览器,大小,菜单栏,状态栏,地址栏,随意调整·-Browser using java prepared, size, menu bar, status bar, address bar, free to adjust
- 构建了一个基于B/S模式的网上拍卖系统,为买卖双方搭建了一个灵活自由并且安全可靠的交易平台。本文着重论述了系统的模块设计、数据流程和功能实现。其功能包括用户注册、登陆、网上拍卖、网上竞价、商品搜索、购买者对商品的评价、购买者留言、后台数据库管理、拍卖者信用度的统计等功能。包括如何运用JAVA、Javascr ipt、JSP等关键技术建立网上购物系统,并在web服务器上配置SSL以保证敏感信息的安全传输。-Constructed based on B/S mode of online auctio
- Mibble - Free SNMP MIB Browser/Parser 基于Java的跨平台MIB查看浏览库-Mibble- Free SNMP MIB Browser/Parser Java-based browser, cross-platform library MIB view
- java 网络编程,需要的请下载,免费的-java network programming, the need to please download, free of charge
- 介绍复杂网络社区划分社区特性的源代码,尤其是无标度网络-Introduced the complex network of community characteristics into the source code of the community, in particular, scale-free network
- TOMEXAM是基于JAVA与MYSQL开发的免费在线考试系统。它可以稳定、顺畅的运行在Windows与Linux平台上。您可以通过它创建题库,发布试卷,组织考试,并由系统自动批改。高度的可配置性和灵活性使得它可以被应用于很多领域。 TOMEXAM在线考试系统 2.1 更新日志:2011-04-25 增加了用户、试卷批量导入导出功能、日志功能等。 TOMEXAM安装方法: 1.解压缩程序压缩包。并部署到Tomcat,如http://localhost:8080/tom
- 用Java语言开发的独立品p2p系统,致力于为个人或企业提供免费、好用的网店系统。兼容IE、遨游、火狐、Chrome等主流浏览器,只需要轻轻松松即可完成一个p2p网站系统的搭建和部署,系统架构良好,易于理解,可以轻轻松松的完成-In the Java language developed by independent p2p system, focuses on providing free for personal or business, use the online system.Comp
- H-ui前端框架是在bootstrap的思想基础上基于 HTML、CSS、java scr ipt开发的轻量级web前端框架,开源免费,简单灵活,兼容性好,满足大多数中国网站。-H-ui front frame is based on the idea of bootstrap on HTML, CSS, java scr ipt developed lightweight web front frame, free open source, simple, flexible, good com