- here is a C++ code for TCP server and client on linux mechine that listens on a specific port and then replies back to the client-here is a C++ code for TCP server and client on linux mechine that listens on a specific port and then replies ba
- 史上最全功能的Backdoor程序,包含了http服务、socks服务等等。-* allinone.c is * a Http server, * a sockets transmit server, * a shell backdoor, * a icmp backdoor, * a bind shell backdoor, * a like http shell, * it can translate file from remote host, * it c
- Linux下通过C++语言代码来操作MySQL数据库,后面的那些用来指定mysql安装的时候包含路径和库文件路径,具体与你机器上的mysql安装的路径有关。-Linux, by C++ language code to manipulate the MySQL database, back to those used to specify mysql installation path and library files when the path contains the specific m
- 基于linux环境高级编程,采用c++基类思想实现的网络回射服务器类的抽象,对学习c++以及网络编程有很好的帮助。-Linux environment-based high-level programming using C++ base class ideology network back to the radio server class abstraction, have a good help in learning the C++ and network programming.
- linux-C编程一站式学习宝典。全书的章节基本完成,但有些章节还很不完善。本书的前两部分已经整理得很完善,并且自成体系,然而第三部分还有大量工作未完成,所以出版的版本只包含前两部分,也许以后第三部分会继续在本站更新,也会整理到本书的第二版中 -Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
- 一个linux的pingshell后门,首先编译pingshell.c后门, 编译后生成的pingshell这个文件就是我们的后门了,然后使用命令 pingshell 1017 5555,意思是当接受当ping包长度为1017时监听本地5555端口,ping -l 1017 然后用nc进行连接,nc -nvv ip 5555即可。 注:这种后门有个问题就是如果进行暴力破解的话,也不太安全》-First compile pingshell.c