- 这是一个linux内核连接状态察看程序,通过它可以实时获得linux系统当前连接状态信息-This is a linux kernel state of the link to see procedures, Through its Linux can gain immediate access to the current system linking state information
- LINUX在嵌入式系统上的实践和探讨 1。实践目的 在一个成熟的嵌入式硬件平台上,安装KERNEL 2.6的LINUX;以实践一个嵌入式系统的开发初步。 2。硬件平台 VIA公司的EmCore-V611V12r/E533 -Linux in embedded systems practice and explore one. Practice aimed at a mature embedded hardware platform, the installation of L
- 本程序是一个module, 使用这个程序需要先把它编译出来(这里是把main.c编译成main.o)。编译命令如下: gcc -O -c -Wall main.c 使用的时候须用insmod main.o命令加载,不用时用rmmod main.o命令卸载就可以了。此程序还需要Linux2.4 kernel和netfilter的支持,Linux2.4.*内核的标准安装里有netfilter/iptables-this program is a module, the use o
- LinCAN is a Linux kernel module that implements a CAN driver capable of working with multiple cards, even with different chips and IO methods. Each communication object can be accessed from multiple applications concurrently. It supports RT-Linu
- 翻译网关的实现环境 Linux 是类Unix 操作系统大家族的一员[19]。1991 年,Linus Torvalds 开发出 了最初的Linux,现在,Linus 依然在不遗余力地改进Linux,使它保持与各种硬 件平台的同步发展,并协同世界各地上百名开发者进行应用开发工作。 Linux 内核是一个真正的Unix 内核,它的内核非常小而且紧凑,Linux 系统 通常很稳定,故障率低,系统易于维护。Linux 最吸引人的优点是它不是一个商业 操作系统,它的源代码在GNU
- 一款经典的linux下运行的ad-hoc协议 -A classic linux running ad-hoc protocol
- liunx操作系统的内核结果讲解,很好很强大-liunx explain the results of the operating system kernel, a good strong
- 可以有效的保护各种类型服务器,属于LINUX内核防火墙.-Effective protection of all types can be servers, LINUX kernel is a firewall.
- linux内核源代码,有需要的可以下啊,包含3大部分-linux kernel source code, there is a need to be under the ah, contains 3 most
- 详细介绍了Linux内核的网络部分,非常厚重的一本书。 -Details of the network part of Linux kernel, a very thick book.
- linux下网络工具套件,包括arp,hostname,适合于嵌入式系统。-The Net-tools package is a collection of programs for controlling the network subsystem of the Linux kernel.
- xenomai是一个硬实时的linux内核补丁,该版本为目前最新版本-xenomai is a hard real-time linux kernel patches, this version is the latest version
- 一般说法是selling leads 销售信息 和buying leads 求购信息 这些一般在B2B 网站中出现,可以通过这个寻求客户。-r computer is idle. The application that misbehaved the most was the Linux kernel. However, as of version 2.6.21, the Linux kernel went tickless, and no longer has a fixed 1000
- 按功能,Linux内核可以划分为5个不同的部分,每一部分处理一项明确的功能,同时又向其他内核组件提供这项功能。这种结构也反映到内核的源代码上——这5部分都形成了自己的子树。-By function, Linux kernel can be divided into five different parts, each part of the deal with a clear function, addition, other kernel components to provide this
- 本书介绍Linux环境下的编程方法,内容包括Linux系统命令、 Shell脚本、编程语言(gawk、Perl)、系统内核、安全体系、X Window等,内容丰富、论述全面,涵盖了Linux系统的方方面面。本书附带光盘包括了RedHat Linux系统的最新版本,及安装方法,还包括本书的大量程序代码,极大地方便了读者,为使用和将要使用Linux系统的技术人员提供了较全面的参考。 -This book introduces the programming method under Linux en
- Linux网络协议栈分析,高清电子书,详解分析了TCP/IP协议,详尽的Linux 内核源码逐行分析- Linux network protocol stack analysis, HD books, Detailed analysis of the TCP/IP protocol, a detailed analysis of the Linux kernel source code line by line
- 《LINUX内核设计与实现<第二版>》对Linux的进一步学习,让你成为linux高手,加油!-" LINUX kernel design and implementation < Second Edition> " Further study on Linux, so you become a linux expert, come on!
- 这是一本linux C语言开发是书籍,针对linux初学者比较有用,包含网络开发和内核开发。-This is a Linux C language development is books, is useful for Linux beginners, contains the network development and the kernel development.
- This software is an implementation of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) according to IEEE standard 1588 for Linux. The dual design goals are to provide a robust implementation of the standard and to use the most relevant and modern Applicat
- Add a feature to the linux kernel, which records the total times a process is scheduled to be d on CPU.-Add a feature to the linux kernel, which records the total times a process is scheduled to be d on CPU.