- AJAX聊天室是一个免费的全定制的web聊天软件软件,编程由PHP、Javascr ipt和MySQL实现,声音由Flash编程实现,Socket编程在客户端采用Flash,服务端采用Ruby,因此效率不是特别高,但代码的开发和理解比较容易。 AJAX聊天集成了phpBB、MyBB、PunBB、SMF、vBulleting等PHP社区软件,功能比较强大。-AJAX Chat is a free and fully customizable open source web chat softw
- Features: --- -- - BSD-style open source license - Supports native FS or "compiled in" embedded files - SSIs can be nested (SSI called within SSI) - SSI content can be generated by C routines. - Fast path for binary files (images, PDFs)
- 为Web工匠设计的PHP开发框架.Laravel是一个Web应用程序框架。 Laravel的目的是使开发过程赏心悦目。-Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to tak
- JFinal 是基于 Java 语言的极速 WEB + ORM 框架,其核心设计目标是开发迅速、代码量少、学习简单、功能强大、轻量级、易扩展、Restful。 在拥有Java语言所有优势的同时再拥有ruby、python、php等动态语言的开发效率!为您节约更多时间,去陪恋人、家人和朋友。-JFinal speed WEB+ ORM framework is based on Java language, the core design goal is to develop rapid, les
- CakePHP是一个用PHP编写的开源Web应用框架,不过其模型是用Ruby on Rails设计的。作为PHP世界的Rails,CakePHP采纳了RoR的许多优秀特性,成熟度较高。在cakephp.org站点的Sites in the wild页面可以看到当前使用CakePHP框架的网站列表。-CakePHP is an open source Web application framework written in PHP, but its model is designed with R