- 一、建立空窗体 新建一个工程,添加引用,并导入名称空间。 加入一个设备对象变量: private Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device device = null; 添加初始化图形函数,并在这里面对设备对象进行实例化: public void InitializeGraphics() { PresentParameters presentParams = new PresentParam
- ping源码 C实现. 记得W.richard stevens的一句话,学习编码的最好方法即读懂大量编码。 -ping source C to achieve. W.richard stevens remember the word, learning the best way to encode a large number of coding that is read.
- 判断PI在有限位的情况下是否是循环小数-PI is a recurring decimal to determine whether
- 通过输入圆的半径,经过计算得出圆的面积(pi=3.1415)-By entering the circle radius, the calculated area of a circle (pi = 3.1415)
- Http PING 是一种用于对服务器发送大量http get 请求,结果致使网络瘫痪或者严重堵塞。此源代码可供用于学习,切不可用于来搞破坏-Http PING is used for the server to send a large number of http get request, resulting in paralysis or serious cause network congestion. This source code can be used for learning,
- Java program will spawn n (distributed) processes Pi, 0 ≤ i < n, each one looping forever. Each loop iteration is a loop interval. In every loop interval Pi does the following: − It sleeps for a random amount of time [3, 4) seconds W
- Perl 最初只是 Unix系统管理员的一个工具,在工作日里被用在无数的小任务中。从那以后,它逐步发展成为一种全功能的程序设计语言,特别是在各种计算平台上,它被用作 Web 编程、数据库处理、XML 处理以及系统管理-Perl began as a tool for Unix system administrators, in the working days are used in countless small tasks. Since then, it gradually develope
- MQTT Client for Raspberry Pi with Serial driver for communcating with a uc
- A simple endian conversion header file for linux systems used in audio streaming applications such as shairport for raspberry pi
- clc fm1=3000000 fm2=5000000 fc=500000000 fs=100000000 Am1=2 Am2=0.3 A=2 N=512 K=N-1 n=0:N-1 t=(0:1/fs:K/fs) m1=Am1*sin(2*pi*fm1*t)+Am2*sin(2*pi*fm2*t) figure(1) subplot(1,1
- NS3实现tap bridge连接的两用户和一服务器的仿真。用户和服务器都基于树莓派2.真实数据传输通过NS3仿真器。-NS3 for simulation and a two-user server tap bridge connected. User and server-based Raspberry Pi 2. The actual data transmission via NS3 emulator.