- MATLAB程序,TCP流路由,丢包率计算,包括脚本和simulink模块。-runde2.m (Matlab driver s program for activating 40 TCP flows with an AQM router) vdpol2.m (Matlab function for setting up stochastic differential equations for runde2.m) runde3.m (Matlab driver s program to
- Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based, Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-organizing data analysis, Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm.
- 刻画随机过程X(t)在各个独立时刻的概率统计特性,反映不了随机过程的内在相关性(Characterize the probability statistical properties of stochastic process X (t) at each independent moment, which can not reflect the inherent correlation of stochastic process)