- 1.免维护,免打理 2.在线云平台同步更新 3.广告自营 4.成本低廉 5.易于架设 6.无需数据库 6.静态空间即可完美运行 使用方法: 将下载的文件解压上传到服务器根目录即可 预设了2个300x250的广告位 -1. Maintenance-free, free to take care of 2. Online cloud platform synchronization update 3. Advertising self 4. Low cost 5. Easy to set up 6
- 程序自带248000多首歌曲与68000多张专揖及38000多位歌手,所有歌典百分百可听,与主站同步更新,上传后只需更改头部与底部文件即可,请为本站做个友情连接就感谢万分了~! -The program comes with more than 248,000 songs and more than 68,000 more than 38,000 artists and more than 38,000 singers, all songs are 100 percent audible, sy