- 经过自己添加修改的可以传输实时监控视频数据的web服务器源码。-himself added the amendment can be transmitted real-time monitoring of video data source web server.
- 一个网络流量监控系统实例代码,适合在服务器上来实时检测网络中的堵塞状况,非常实用.-a network traffic monitoring system example code for the server line with real-time detection of network congestion, very practical.
- 猪舍监控页面案例,提供一套实时监控温湿度气体浓度的界面和cgi调用,如果做简单服务器和监控web网站。可以参考-The the pig monitoring page case provides a set of real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity, gas concentration interface and cgi call, If you do a simple server monitoring web site. Can
- Vehicle schedule and management system 用java写的jsp网站 含服务器 数据库 可以进行google地图标记车辆坐标 实时监控 没有留有借口 所以暂时不能连接gps-Vehicle schedule and management system written in java jsp website google map marked vehicles did not leave the excuse we do not connect th
- 一个简单实用的统计分析系统,能够对您网站流量进行实时监控,并为您提供详尽的流量统计报表 管理员:mybu 密码:123456-A simple and practical statistical analysis system capable of real-time monitoring traffic to your site, and provide detailed traffic statistics report for you Administrator: mybu
- 集问题处理实时状态监控和在线交流为一体,是网站客服人员提供在线咨询服务的理想工具,特点介绍: 1、可以使用独立的用户库,也可以同步使用已有的会员数据库 2、自定义问题类型,不同问题类型可设置不同提问表单-Problem set real-time status monitoring and online communication as a whole, is the ideal tool for Web customer service to provide online counseling