- 资源介绍: 用C语言写的100行DES加密算法 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com 资源介绍: 用C语言写的100行DES加密算法 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com-resources briefing : C language written in 100 lines DES encryption algorithm is derived from shrimp off FOSS http :
- TFTPUtil ReadMe For additions, changes, and fixes please see the ChangeLog License information detailed in License.txt TFPTUtil is an open source TFTP server written in C#. http://sourceforge.net/projects/tftputil Latest version
- linux下的FTP服务器,使用C开发,GCC编译;实现文件的上传、下载、断点续传;技术点:守候进程、进程间通讯、管道、soket编程、文件I/O标准库函数与系统调用、文件权限管理,FTP server under linux, using the C Development, GCC compiler file upload, download, HTTP technical point: waiting for the process of inter-process communica