- Assuming that one could build a machine that could recover a DES key in a second (i.e., try 255 keys per second), then it would take that machine approximately 149 thousand-billion (149 trillion) years to crack a 128-bit AES key. To put that into per
- Assuming that one could build a machine that could recover a DES key in a second (i.e., try 255 keys per second), then it would take that machine approximately 149 thousand-billion (149 trillion) years to crack a 128-bit AES key. To put that into per
- The countdown of SDGENCNTA is controlled by ZB3D2CLK which runs at 149.5MHz.
- SunCGI REFERENCE MANUAL, Rev. A, 9 May 1988, PN 800-1786-10 SunOS 4.0 Example E-4.1, page 149. -SunCGI REFERENCE MANUAL, Rev. A, 9 May 1988, PN 800-1786-10 SunOS 4.0 Example E-4.1, page 149.
- 将WriteData中149换成150,重现bug(Will be 149 to 150 in WriteData, reproduce the bug)
- 将WriteData中149换成150,重现bug()