- 如何才能知道 CD 驱动器是不是刻录设备呢?此外,如何将文件写入可擦写 CD?Windows XP 允许你用 Windows 资源管理拖拽文件,并将其写入CD。你能否告知有没有什么方法从我的程序中实现,而不需要用户购买第三方软件,如:Nero 或者 Roxio? 有没有相关的 MFC 类可以实现这个功能? -CD drive is not recording equipment? In addition, how to write papers erasable CD? Windows XP
- 在vc++开发环境中,非窗口的定时器是比较复杂的工作,所以笔者开发了一个类,能实现非窗口定时器-in vc development environment, the window-timer is quite complex, so I developed a class, window to achieve non-timer
- 当年在北大青鸟上课做的例子,感觉挺有用的.-year class at Beijing University Woodpecker do examples, I feel quite good.
- I ve got this idea as an expansion to HRESULT Error Check Simplifier By Wanderley Caloni, so I guess his introduction would be better than if I wrote one. Many thanks to Wanderley Caloni for writing the article. I ll just introduce here what I h
- 用标准C实现shell功能,这是我们上课的一个操作系统实验,不过我是用java实现的,这是我在网上找的,供大家参考-achieved using standard C shell function, which is a class of experimental operating system, but I use java to achieve, and this is my find of the Internet for reference
- VB企业级DLL全部源代码,涉及的内容较多,没有全部研究,但我从里面借鉴了不少内容。,VB all enterprise-class DLL source code, relating to the contents of more, there is no full study, but I learn a lot from the contents inside.
- 使用CFile类进行文件操作实例源码,很不错的vc源码,希望能对大家有所帮助-Use the CFile class for file operations examples of source, very good vc source, I hope you can help
- 创建一个导出类的Win32 DLL实例源码,很不错的vc源码,希望能对大家有所帮助-Create a derived class instance of a Win32 DLL source code, very good vc source, I hope you can help
- 《Cisco FAX class 2 commands guide》 优秀的传真开发文档,今年我通过该文档,构架和调试出基于class 2的传真应用-" Cisco FAX class 2 commands guide" the development of outstanding fax documents, this year I passed the document, architecture, and debug the application on the fa
- 一个的读写INI文件的类及实例-INI file reading and writing a class and examples of
- 经本人优化后的计算 MD5 的类 CMD5 类及动态库源程序,单线程在 Core 6320 CPU,DDR2 667内存 时,忽略读取硬盘速度,每秒可计算150MB以上的数据,可直接做为计算MD5的工具,也可将其嵌入其它程序作为程序的一部分进行编译.-After I optimized the calculation of MD5 class CMD5 category and dynamic library source, single-threaded at Core 6320 CPU, D
- 这么个思路:首先通过提取系统时间和运行时间作为加密算式的动态参数进行文件加密,然后将这些参数以及密码和是否加密的标志加密加载到文件中(不然就解密不了文件了),最后在解密的话,就是通过一定得方法提取这些参数,将其解密。 由于这些参数是动态变化的,所以每次对同一个文件进行加密后的结果都是不一样的,这样的话对于破解者来说就没有规律可循了。 这种加密法就是一个对称密码,很难用穷举法破解(虽然我没有试过),但是跟金老师上课讲的那些对称密码像DES,是没的比的,那些事可以公开算法的,而这个算法
- vc6.0 程序 展示了如何用WMI的方法获取CUP的使用率 重点在于获取多个CPU或者多核不同的使用率,在现在CPU多核时代这点很重要-Ever since I saw Performance application on Windows 2000, I wondered if there is a way/Windows API to programmatically determine CPU usage for each of the individual CPUs in a
- 目录 1 引言..... 1 1.1 编写目的............... 1 1.2 范围.... 1 1.3 定义.... 1 1.4 参考资料............... 1 2 总体设计................. 1 2.1 需求规定............... 1 2.2 运行环境............... 2 2.3 基本设计概念和处理流程...... 2 2.4 结构.... 2 2.5 功能需求与程序的关系.....
- linux中more的编程的2个C文件,可以用的,我上课用的-linux programming in more of the two C files, can I use class
- 阿拉伯数字转为大写汉字的类 本人写了一个一个将阿拉伯数字转为大写汉字的类,主要使用了stl中的string类,该类使用方便,还可以自动识别过滤夹杂在阿拉伯数字的逗号,空格等,符合日常习惯中的用法,程序在附件中请检验,使用方法就是main函数中的方法,请检验。如蒙不弃请笑纳。 -Arabic characters into upper class I wrote a one will be converted to uppercase characters Arabic classes, t
- 介绍如何在MFC扩展DLL中导出类,希望对初学者有用-How to export in MFC extension DLL class, I hope useful for beginners
- 部门销售量占公司总销售量的业绩百分比,里面的类好像是水晶报表的类,我没有仔细测试,源文件需要数据库,我这里就不调试数据库了,这只是一个功能模块,不是完整的程序,对学习有帮助的源码。数据库文件在Database文件夹中。-Department total sales results for the percentage of the company' s total sales, inside the class like Crystal Reports class, I did not c
- IConv的C++包装类工程 工程主要用了 nanyu 的包装类,我只是将Iconv的代码一并加进来了,这样可执行文件就不需要拖着个dll到处跑了.-IConv of C++ wrapper class engineering works mainly used nanyu wrapper class, I just Iconv code will be add to the mix, so you do not need an executable file ran around d
- This class i nitialized with a clip rectangle, and then can be fed cubics, which must already be monotonic in Y. -This class is initialized with a clip rectangle, and then can be fed cubics, which must already be monotonic in Y.