- 使用非对称加密技术的RSA加密,利用欧拉定理推算出来的加密技术,有着广泛的使用-The use of asymmetric cryptography RSA encryption, Euler theorem derived from the use of encryption technology, with extensive use of
- 用扩展欧拉法求逆元 rsa算法的必须组成函数模块 带对话框-Euler method with the expansion of rsa algorithm inverse function must be composed of modules with dialog box
- 通过欧拉函数和判断两个数是否互素的函数来求出一个数的所有原根。-By Euler' s function and determine whether the two numbers to find the prime function of a number of all primitive roots.
- 针对处理重磁数据的欧拉反褶积程序,根据输入构造指数的不同来获得地下地质体的不同反演参数。-Gravity and magnetic data for the treatment of Euler deconvolution procedure, based on the input structure to get the index of different different inversion underground geological parameters.
- 针对剖面数据处理的程序,具有求导和反演的模块,是现今最流行的欧拉反褶积法。-Procedures for data processing section, a derivative and inversion of the module, is now the most popular of the Euler deconvolution method.
- Euler problem code written in java
- 基于256进制的大数,目前代码是随机选择10位数的大素数,欧拉n为20位,也可以更高,且大素数都是随机产生,高效检测。欧几里得原理和反复平方求模实现的RSA加密,函数实现用lib封装了。源码咨询我qq 752602563.个人实现,请勿模仿商用-Based on 256 hex Tarsus, the current 10-digit code is a random selection of large prime numbers, Euler n is 20, can also be hig
- RSA算法的C语言实现 1.密钥的产生 (1)选两个安全的大素数p和q。 (2)计算n=p×q,φ(n)=(p-1)(q-1),其中φ(n)是n的欧拉函数值。 (3)选一整数e,满足1<e<φ(n),且gcd(φ(n),e)=1。 (4)计算d,满足de≡1 modφ(n),即d是e在模φ(n)下的乘法逆元,因e与φ(n)互素,由模运算可知,它的乘法逆元一定存在。 (5)以{e,n}为公开钥,{d,n}为秘密钥。 2.加密 加密时首先将明文M比特串分组
- We begin with choosing two random large distinct primes p and q. We also pick e, a random integer that is relatively prime to (p-1)*(q-1). The random integer e is the encryption exponent. Let n = p*q. Using Euclid s greatest common divisor a
- Euler s Totient Function implementation in matlab. Used in cryptography.
- 利用C\C++实现RSA算法的加、解密运算。 具体包括: 1)利用扩展的Euclid计算 a mod n 的乘法逆元; 2)Miller-Rabin素性测试算法对一个给定的大数进行测试; 3)实现的运算,并计算; 4)利用Euler定理手工计算,并与3)计算的结果对比; 5)实现RSA算法。并对 I LOVE NANJING UNIVERSITY OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS 加解密。说明:为了方便实现,分组可以小一点,比如两个字母一组。
- Using euler method and runge-kutta numerical solution method for differential equation and draw the graphic solution, the results are comparative analysis,
- 两种素数筛法:埃拉托斯特尼筛法和欧拉筛法。使用时直接调用函数即可,素数都会存储到su数组中-Two prime sieve methods: Elata Terney sieve method and Euler sieve method. The function can be used directly call the prime number will be stored in the su array
- Euler 回路问题 ,问题描述: 对于给定的图G 和G 中的2 个顶点v 和w-Euler loop problems, problem descr iption: for a given graph G and G of two vertices v and w
- 该程序包包含大量的matlab程序,比如Euler解常微分方程(This package contains a large number of matlab procedures, such as Euler solutions of ordinary differential equations)