- 算法介绍 矩阵求逆在程序中很常见,主要应用于求Billboard矩阵。按照定义的计算方法乘法运算,严重影响了性能。在需要大量Billboard矩阵运算时,矩阵求逆的优化能极大提高性能。这里要介绍的矩阵求逆算法称为全选主元高斯-约旦法。 高斯-约旦法(全选主元)求逆的步骤如下: 首先,对于 k 从 0 到 n - 1 作如下几步: 从第 k 行、第 k 列开始的右下角子阵中选取绝对值最大的元素,并记住次元素所在的行号和列号,在通过行交换和列交换将它交换到主元素位
- 这是一个用VC.net实现的AES的S-box的实现代码,包括求逆和s盒的实现代码-This is a realization of the use VC.net AES S-box realization of the code, including inversion and the realization s box code
- Shell源码:find查找日期为某一天的文件 A=`find ~ -print` | ls -l --full-time $A 2>/dev/null | grep \"Jun 27\" | grep 1998 下面这个scr ipt,存成一个符合规则名字的文件,置上x属性就行了。 -Shell source : find search for a particular day in the paper A = ~ find - print | ls-l -- full-
- 波场正反演代码,包括频率域有限差分和基于局部优化方法的反演,并且利用MPI平台并行计算-Wave field modeling and inversion code, including the frequency domain finite difference methods of inversion based on local optimization and parallel computing using the MPI platform
- 密码学实验课的程序,此代码是求整数a相对另一个整数m求逆,如输入7 25,求7相对25的逆-Cryptography experimental Office s procedures, the code is for a relative of another integer integer m inversion, such as the importation of 7 25, and 7 relative inverse 25
- Descr iption of Windows CE priority inversion
- mt 1 d inversion code
- mt 1d inversion code from Russia-mt 1d inversion code from Russia
- 众友开发板上的DCMOTOR驱动,并附带驱动程序,可根据指令进行正反转-Public Friends of the development board DCMOTOR drive, and comes with driver, positive inversion according to instructions
- 实现模逆,模幂,AES,ElGamal的密码加解密功能-To achieve modular inversion, modular power, AES, ElGamal encryption and decryption of the password
- 有限域上逆运算是密码学中常用的运算。本程序提供有效、快速的有限域上逆运算程序解决求逆问题。-The inversion operation of a finite field is commonly used in cryptography operations. The program provides effective, fast algorithm and program for computing the inverse problem in the finite field.
- 利用反转法扫描键盘,程序简单,理解稍有难度,方便51学习者的学习。-inversion method by scanning the keyboard, the program is simple, a little difficult to understand, easy 51 learners.
- 针对处理重磁数据的欧拉反褶积程序,根据输入构造指数的不同来获得地下地质体的不同反演参数。-Gravity and magnetic data for the treatment of Euler deconvolution procedure, based on the input structure to get the index of different different inversion underground geological parameters.
- 针对剖面数据处理的程序,具有求导和反演的模块,是现今最流行的欧拉反褶积法。-Procedures for data processing section, a derivative and inversion of the module, is now the most popular of the Euler deconvolution method.
- simil2000 is from simulps12,These are modern, conservative treatments of simulps12 and similar codes, and of the inversion process more generally.-simil2000 is from simulps12,,These are modern, conservative treatments of simulps12 and similar codes,
- 假設資料要由 A 機器傳至B 機器,那由B 機器用亂數決定一個 key,我們稱之為privatekey, 這個 key 自始至終都只留在 B 機器裏不送出來然後,由這個 privatekey 計算出另一個 key,我們 稱之為 publickey.這個 publickey 的特性是幾乎不可能反演算出 privatekey 來然後將這個 publickey 透過網路丟給 A 機器.A 機器將資料用這個 publickey 編碼,這個編碼過的資料一定 得使用 privatekey 才
- 使用操作系统控制电机正转和反转,本实验新颖别致,适用于初学者进行电机控制实验-Using the operating system controls the motor forward and inversion, this study is novel and chic, suitable for beginners to motor control experiment
- This is a set of function from various places (attributed inline) to do things like inversion and decomposition of a 4x4 matrix. They are used throughout the code for Linux.
- 矩阵求逆的 初学者 可以看 还有动态数组的分配问题-Matrix inversion beginners can see
- When the measurement errors in Kalman filtering are time correlated, time-differencing approaches are conventionally applied to deal with the time-correlated errors, but they are subject to practical limitations, such as time latency and nume