- It is very for you to learn QT, trust me!
Enigma 模仿Enigma实现
- 相信看过密码学的人都知道这个二战时的加密机,本程序主要是实现其加密算法,模仿Enigma实现,Cryptography trust people read all know this World War II encryption machine, this program is to achieve its encryption algorithm implementation imitate Enigma
- GPS的应用程序,很全面的开发代码,相信对大家有用-GPS applications, a very comprehensive development code, trust useful for everyone! !
- 网络安全类论文。调查类文章。可以提供一个对该领域全方位的预览。-Network security papers. Survey class articles.It can provide a comprehensive preview of the area.
- Grab Libnet , there will be a site for it, it prolly even is simple as googling it :P and, just grab static lib file , and then goto winpcap.org , now, you can, compile a v3, (coz this has best control over winsockets....trust me it does) ... dont us
- Xen 域间通信的访问控制的例子,主要用于TPM的域间密钥共享协同。在Xen/Linux上实现的一个原型系统。-In this thsis, we introduce a TPM based trust scheme and secure protocol for VM, and develop a prototype system of the secure protocol for Xen/Linux virtualization system. The trust scheme can p
- - occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service deteriorates. - queuing delay, packet loss or the blocking of new connections. - cause missing packets, low energy efficiency, and long delay. - occurs w
- - occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service deteriorates. - queuing delay, packet loss or the blocking of new connections. - cause missing packets, low energy efficiency, and long delay. - occurs w
- Untrusted node (i.e. malicious) receive the sending data and do not pass it to the source. To overcome the congestion due to many-to-one communication. To enhance the QoS in wireless sensor network using trust management. -Untrusted node (i.e
- 反弹端口技术是重要的*技术之一。它利用防火墙对内部发起的连接请求无条件信任的特点,假冒是系统的合法网络请求来取得对外的端口,再通过某些方式连接到*的客户端,从而窃取用户计算机的资料同时遥控计算机本身。-The rebound port technology is one of the important Trojan technology. It using a firewall to request unconditional trust in the characteristics of
- 软件名称:宽带自动接入软件 1.本软件为基于Windows操作系统的绿色软件,所有的类库都借助现存的Windows内置类库,所以无需安装,用户只需将软件拷贝到C:\Program Files中即可,但是软件不能应用在如下的平台中:嵌入式平台、Apple平台、Linux,Unix平台。 2.在拷贝完成后,只要双击该软件,软件就会自动运行、并自动加载到Windows的启动服务中。如果出现杀毒软件的提示,请广大用户在杀毒软件中,设法将该软件设置为“信任”。 3.软件运行后首先自动运行宽带链
- 反观中国社会,个人基金发展缓慢,我们应该支持这些公益性组织的发展,我们可以捐给自己比较信赖的公益性组织。这样,我们或许会收到意想不到的效果。比如,由于出现了竞争,公益性组织内的不文明现象会越来越少。-In the Chinese society, the development of Personal Fund Organization is starting.. we should support its development by donating to our trust organiz
- Trust FM Radio card driver for Linux 2.2
- 系统驻留,自写了部分系统API躲避主动式杀毒软件,不过某些杀软比如360仍然会报警,不放心的就不要下载了。一个系统驻留程序的源代码。请勿用作非法用途,仅供学习。造成的一些后果与作者本人无关。-System resides, since the written part of the system API to avoid active anti-virus software, but some soft kill such as the 360 will still alarm, do not
- Trust FM Radio card driver for Linux 2.2.
- Tests for Trust Manager Factory class constructors and methods Source Code for Embedded Linux.
- Trust Manager implementation for Embedded Linux.
- Indexes trust anchors so they can be found in O(1) time instead of O( N) Source Code for Linux.
- X509 Trust Manager Impl Source Code for Linux.
- radio-trust.c - Trust FM Radio card driver for Linux 2.2.