- 一种特别的建议程序,非常有用。 用法: 1。把扩展名变成txt 2。用写字板打开 就可以运行了,然后你就扩然开朗,会特别兴奋。-a special proposal process very useful. Usage : 1. Put into txt extension 2. Using tablet can run on the open, then you expand ran outspoken, particularly exciting.
- 扩展名察看程序,可以查看各种扩展名,支持用户自定义-extension inspected procedures can view various extensions, and support for user-defined
- linux视频捕获源码,编译后把 directshow 复制到任一个bin目录下即可,也可查看说明文档,由于是bz2压缩,请下载后去掉.gz后缀即可-linux video capture source, compile directshow after the arrival of a copy bin directory can also be documented View, as is bz2 compressed, please download removed. Gz extensi
- : HLPDK V10.0+ System Extension Library -: HLPDK bundles Library System Extension
- 加密算法 Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives: - To generate an RSA key cryptest g - To encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r - To calculate MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD-160 message digests:
- U-boot1.1.5 bootloader源代码,请在GPL开源组织协议框架下使用!下载使用该源代码的用户请首先将文件名末尾的.gz扩展名改为.bz2再进行解压缩! -U-boot1.1.5 Bootloader source code, Please GPL revenue under the framework agreement to use! Download the use of the source code to users start at the end of the fil
- The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, us
- 在右键显示隐藏文件、扩展名的VBS代码 GOOD-the right-show that the hidden documents, the VBS extension code GOOD!
- 增强WIN95界面的MFC扩展类库COOL(111KB)-enhance WIN95 interface MFC extension library COOL (111KB)
- dos文件转化unix文件的工具!下载后去掉.zip后缀!-dos paper documents into unix tools! After downloading removed. Zip extension.
- 扩展MFC的dll的编写方法-MFC dll extension of the preparation methods
- CStdFile扩展类-自动适应各种编码和编码环境\\-CStdFile extension of the class-automatically adapt to the various coding and coding environment \\
- will examine the contents of the CHK files and determine if the contents are known file types, such as MS-Word files or GIF files. When contents are recognized (for example, as a Word document), the CHK files are copied to a new file with the correct
- ava加密扩展即Java Cryptography Extension,简称JCE。它是Sun的加密服务软件,包含了加密和密匙生成功能。JCE是JCA(Java Cryptography Architecture)的一种扩展。 JCE没有规定具体的加密算法,但提供了一个框架,加密算法的具体实现可以作为服务提供者加入。除了JCE框架之外,JCE软件包还包含了SunJCE服务提供者,其中包括许多有用的加密算法,比如DES(Data Encryption Standard)和Blowfish。 为简单
- 演示MS Namespace Shell Extension 创建虚拟目录和次目录的实作范例,并且增加了新增次目录或档案与删除次目录或档案的演示,Demo MS Namespace Shell Extension to create virtual directories and sub-directory is for example, and an increase of new sub-directory or file and delete the sub-directory or fi
- 韦东山的嵌入式完全开发手册的硬件实验代码,光盘资料,无任何修改。使用时改扩展名为bz2.,Wei Dongshan embedded Guide to fully exploit the hardware test code, CD-ROM, without any changes. When used to change the extension bz2.
- 演示MS Namespace Shell Extension 创建虚拟目录和次目录的实作范例,并且增加了Drag and Drop对象的演示,Demo MS Namespace Shell Extension to create virtual directories and sub-directory is for example, and an increase of Drag and Drop object demo
- 演示MS Namespace Shell Extension的范例程序,可以在档案总管理建置自己的目录和次目录-MS Namespace Shell Extension demonstration example of the procedure, you can build your own files the total management of the directory and sub-directory
- qt4中实现可扩展对话框,利用setSizeConstraint方法是对话框尺寸保持相对固定-qt4 in scalable dialog is the dialog box by setSizeConstraint size remained relatively constant
- The QAbstractExtensionFactory class provides an interface for extension factories in Qt Designer for Linux.