- 一个拦截并修改输入法的注入技术(注入DLL是做全局钩子或者拦截类软件都有可能用到的技术)、给出了完整的示例代码希望对大家有所帮助。-An intercept and modify the input method of the injection technology (global hook into the DLL are doing, or are likely to be used to intercept class software technology), gives a comp
- VC++写的APIHook实例源代码,大致翻了一下,只挂引入表的函数,注入有SetWindowHookEx和CreateRemoteThread两种方式,进程枚举也区分了不同系统下使用的psai和toolhelp,另外为了获得Process的创建消息,做了一个驱动来注册回调函数,总的来说,在注入部分做得相当棒,如果想挂各种函数,可以结合detour使用。-VC++ to write the source code examples APIHook generally turned a bit,
- 强制删除文件,无注入无驱动无hook,原理就是查找文件的锁定句柄,然后关闭句柄。-Force delete a file, no injection of non-driven non-hook, locking principle is to find the file handle, and then close the handle.
- SAS Hook,使用远程进程注入的方法注入winlogon.exe屏蔽Ctrl+Alt+Del键,本人几年前的老作品了,对Vista及以上系统无效。-SAS Hook, use the method of injection into the remote process winlogon.exe Shield Ctrl+ Alt+ Del keys, I have a few years ago the old works, and on Vista and above systems is
- 控制银证直通车键盘热键的说明格式为Delphi远程线程注入系统进程-Control of Silver Certificate Note Express format of the keyboard hotkey remote thread injection system for the Delphi process
- EasyHook starts where Microsoft Detours ends. This project supports extending (hooking) unmanaged code (APIs) with pure managed ones, from within a fully managed environment like C# using Windows 2000 SP4 and later, including Windows XP x64, Window
- 强制删除文件,无注入无驱动无hook,原理就是查找文件的锁定句柄,然后关闭句柄。-Forced to delete the file, no injection no driver no hook, the principle is to find the file lock handle, and then close the handle.