- 龙已飞去的屠龙刀,系统关键数据/区MBR,DBR,CMOS-RAM 管理工具,适用Win9X/DOS ,开发工具BC3.1(+Turbo Vision),BIOS Int 13h-exiting the holding, the system key data / MBR District, DBR, CMOS-RAM management tools, application Win9X/DOS, development tools BC3.1 (Turbo Vision), the BI
- Intel提供的在Sitsang等嵌入式开发平台上使用Linux操作系统,基于IPP4.0库的MP3解码器源代码-Intel Sitsang Evaluation Board in the embedded development platform such as the use of the Linux operating system, based on IPP4.0 library of MP3 decoder source code
- 多数程序设计语言处理整数的能力时有限的,如C语言中,int类型数据范围是-32768-32767。实际问题的处理过程中往往涉及大整数的运算,如RSA加密算法要求至少64bit的整数,设计算法实现大整数的加减运算。-majority programming language processing integral to the limited capacity, such as C language, int data type is the scope -32768-32767. Practic
- 关于显示输出 用 mov ah,02h int 21h 怎样才能输出大于10的数?请看一下我的程序,如果我输入十个a,就会出错。-on display output with mov ah, Check int 21 hours how to output more than 10 Look at the number of my procedure, if I enter a 10. will mistakes.
- C++ Base64编码/解码源代码 inline int Base64Encode(char * base64code, const char * src, int src_len = 0) inline int Base64Decode(char * buf, const char * base64code, int src_len = 0) 以上两个函数内联定义在base64.h中,使用时include \"base64.h\" 即可,编码后的长度一般比原文多占1/3的存储空间,
- With today’s processors running at frequencies of more than 1GHz, you can use the processor clock to time events with much higher accuracy than 10 ms.From www.Intel.com-With today's processors running at freque ncies of more than 1 GHz, you can u
- 8086实现8259的中断控制器,非常方便-8086 to achieve the 8259 interrupt controller, a very convenient
- 在程序中由playfair(char *s,int length) 的实现加密和解密;解密原理与加密类似,只是加密过程的逆过程,它基于密文,采用同行取左边,同列取下边,其余取交叉的相反原理;在程序中用FLAG标识区别,当其值为1时,为加密过程;值为0时,为解密过程。-in the proceedings by PLAYFAIR (char * s, int length) the realization of encryption and decryption; encryption and d
- 动态数组实现, 包括了一个小例子.关键结构如下: typedef struct Nameval Nameval struct Nameval{ char *name int value } struct NVtab{ int nval /* current number of values */ int max /* allocated number of values */ Nameval *nameval /* arr
- 这是一个通过INT调用察看PCI信息的程序,对于学习PCI规范的人很有用-This is a call to see through INT PCI procedures for information, learning the PCI specifications useful
- C# BigInteger class. BigInteger.cs is a csharp program. It is the BIgInteger class. It has methods: abs() , FermatLittleTest(int confidence) ,gcd(BigInteger bi) , genCoPrime(int bits, Random rand) , genPseudoPrime(int bits, int confidence, Random ran
- 图的遍历的演示(c 语言 数据结构课程设计题) /*定义图*/ typedef struct{ int V[M] int R[M][M] int vexnum }Graph /*创建图*/ void creatgraph(Graph *g,int n) { int i,j,r1,r2 g->vexnum=n /*顶点用i表示*/ for(i=1 i<=n i++) { g->V[i]=
- 在图像中加入某个分数值(int),然后检测这个分数,要求在图像受到攻击时能有效(100%)提取这个值
- 清华大学-电子信息工程系-实验用ARM-linux-源代码-int篇
- 第三方空间//--- --- --- --- --- --- --- #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop USERES(\"WinSkinC5.res\") USEPACKAGE(\"vcl50.bpi\") USEUNIT(\"WinSkinReg.pas\") USERES(\"WinSkinReg.dcr\") USEPACKAGE(\"vclx50.bpi\") //----------------
- int bitmapHeight = button1.Top- 20 bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, this.CreateGraphics()) Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap) g.Clear(this.BackColor) g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.YellowGreen),5,5 ,bitmapWidth
- Routines for generic manipulation of the INT[23] ASIC found on INDY and Indigo2 workstations.
- Routines for generic manipulation of the INT[23] ASIC found on INDY and Indigo2 workstations. -Routines for generic manipulation of the INT[23] ASIC found on INDY and Indigo2 workstations.
- Routines for generic manipulation of the INT[23] ASIC found on INDY and Indigo2 workstations. -Routines for generic manipulation of the INT[23] ASIC found on INDY and Indigo2 workstations.
- asm-generic int-ll64.h Integer declarations for architectures which use long long for 64-bit types. -asm-generic int-ll64.h Integer declarations for architectures which use long long for 64-bit types.