- 基于java的完整的RSA算法实现 /** * <p>Titre : RSA </p> * <p>Descr iption : Encodage de donn閑s selon le protocole RSA </p> * <p>Copyright : Copyright (c) 2004</p> * @author Fran鏾is Bradette * @version 1.1 * version originale d
- blowfish加密算法开发包,blowfish encryption algorithm development package
- OFDM程序,这么安排矩阵的目的是为了构造共轭对称矩阵 共轭对称矩阵的特点是 在ifft/fft的矢量上 N点的矢量 在0,N/2点必须是实数 一般选为0 1至N/2点 与 (N/2)+1至N-1点关于N/2共轭对称- BPSK simulation using a carrier cosine wave with ISI clc close all clear all figure(1) n=160 for i=1:n data(i
- php rpc 编程接口支持,Java php- P H P R P C What is it? ----------- PHPRPC is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works over the Internet. It is secure and fast. It has a smaller overhead. It is power
- 这是一个用java实现的俄罗斯方块,方向键控制移动方块方向,向上键旋转方块,p键暂停,空格键瞬间下落,enter键开关方块下落时的竖条阴影,q键为作弊键。 此小的游戏程序运用了java的jdbc 反射 mvc框架 xml配置文件 swing 线程等知识点-This is a java Tetris, the arrow keys to move the box to control the direction of rotation up key box, p key to pause
- FEC MBMS LTE uation ETSI The attached java code LossGenerator.java and Random.java may be used to generate the loss traces independently. The java trace file can be d as follows: java LossVectorGenerator p q gBLER bBLER subsamp n seed offse