- SDL Library Documentation. The SDL library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Win32 and BeOS using the various native high-performance media interfaces, (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-co
- libdnet 为若干个低层的网络例程提供了一个简单的可移植的接口,包括网络地址处理, 内核arp 缓冲和路由表查找和管理,网络防火墙(IP filter, ipfw, ipchains, pf, PktFilter, ...),网 络接口查找和管理,IP 隧道(BSD/Linux tun, Universal TUN/TAP device),未加工的IP 包和 以太网帧的传输。-libdnet for a number of low-level routines network p
- Nessus 3.03 beta14 著名扫描器Nessus的最新WIN版,一款可以运行在Linux、BSD、 Solaris以及其他一些系统上的远程安全扫描软件。
- 基于BSD C的socket编程 采用udp协议,类似两个进程通信的聊天程序 压缩包包含两个文件,编译后运行是两个不同的聊天进程 运行环境linux
- An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX operating system. INET is implemented using the BSD Socket interface as the means of communication with the user level.
- KVpnc is a KDE frontend for various VPN clients. It supports Cisco VPN (vpnc, vpnclient (a proprietary client from Cisco)), IPSec (FreeS/WAN, Openswan, strongSwan, racoon), PPTP (pptpclient), OpenVPN, L2TP over IPSec (l2tpd, xl2ltpd) (usable with Fre
- This the first release of a free TCP/IP/PPP protocol stack for the uC/OS Real-Time Operating System. As a first release it s still rather rough and very much larger than desired however it is working well in an embedded product and therefore may be u
- his a short introduction how to use the El Beem library and API. This release supports two versions that can be built: - a standalone test program that runs a small fluid simulation - a command line executable, that can be used to run flu
复件 modp-driver-0.09
- linux核C语言写的MODBUS通讯 This is a Linux kernel driver (2.2.19+ 2.4+) for the Modicon SA85 ISA and PCI-85 cards. It is written in C and includes example shell scr ipts for administration, and an example client program. Development Status: 4 - Beta Intende
- 在EFNet Hybrid IRCD基础上开发的,并增添了许多主要用于DALnet IRC 网络的特性。它的特点包括卓越的处理性能,在高负载的状态下与Solaris, BSD 和Linux系统保持良好的兼容性和高性能的稳定状态,以及在以前EFNet编码的基础上所作的许多改进。Bahamut从1.2.0开始,不再与Dreamforge兼容-the EFNet Hybrid IRCD developed on the basis and the addition of a number of maj
- A Flash Player with Actionscr ipt support. Write in C and C++. It have two part, one is Player and another is Actionscr ipt Library. Runs on Linux and *BSD. It s very rough now, it have long way to go. -A Flash Player with Actionscr ipt support. Writ
- This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands
- 简单的说,Linux是Unix克隆(Unix clone)或Unix风格(Unix alike)的操作系统(OS),在原代码级上兼容绝大部分Unix标准(指的是IEEE POSIX,System V,BSD),是一个支持多用户, 多进程,多线程,实时性较好的功能 强大而稳定的操作系统.它可以运行在x86 PC,Sun Sparc,Digital Alpha,680x0,PowerPC, MIPS等平台上,可 以说Linux是目前运行硬件平台最多的操作系统-Simply put, Linu
- 《linux网络编程》,介绍了linux中进程管理,网络的基础知识,BSD socket,和TCP/TP应用等,是学习linux下网络编程的好书籍!-" Linux network programming" to introduce the linux in the process management, network basics, BSD socket, and TCP/TP applications, network programming under linux to
- RefDB是一个文献数据库和书目管理的软件,支持 SGML,XML和LaTeX的/ BibTeX等格式的工具。它允许用户通过网络共享数据库。这是可以通过命令行工具,Web界面,从文字编辑器(Emacs,Vim)来共享,程序员可以 使用 Perl和PHP库在自己的项目融入RefDB功能。 RefDB发布根据GNU通用公共许可证和Linux上运行时,* BSD系统,OS X操作系统,Solaris和Windows / Cygwin的。-RefDB is a bibliographic databas
- WLAN无线网络管理的程序WPA_supplicant 是 WPA/WPA2 认证的客户端,同时也适用于 WEAP-wpa_supplicant is a WPA Supplicant for Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Windows with support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i/RSN). It is suitable for both desktop/laptop computers and embedded systems
- Linux/BSD账号密码明文生成密文的Java代码 使用MD5进行加密-Linux/BSD account and password using MD5 to encrypt plaintext and implementing by Java code.
Small CPU usage monitor lib+example
- Pure C89 source for a small CPU activity monitoring library for Linux (and probably other UNICES like *BSD with a /proc filesystem). Exposes CPU usage since the last call to CpuMon_getUsage and separates (niced) userland, kernel, idle and I/O-wait ti
- Glest是一个跨平台免费开源3D即时战略电脑游戏,可在 Linux、Windows、 *BSD Mac OS等系统下运行,具有高度的自定义特性。(Glest is a cross platform, free, open source, 3D instant strategy computer game, which can run under Linux, Windows,)
- Libevent 是一个用C语言编写的、轻量级的开源高性能事件通知库,主要有以下几个亮点:事件驱动( event-driven),高性能;轻量级,专注于网络,不如 ACE 那么臃肿庞大;源代码相当精炼、易读;跨平台,支持 Windows、 Linux、 *BSD 和 Mac Os;支持多种 I/O 多路复用技术, epoll、 poll、 dev/poll、 select 和 kqueue 等;支持 I/O,定时器和信号等事件;注册事件优先级。(Libevent is an open sourc