- 在系统文件夹或目录上添加一个MS DOS的快捷通道。使用方法:解压缩后双击Enhance System.bat就可以完成系统增强。您可以选择一个文件夹,单击右键查看您找到一个新的MS DOS菜单,选择后可以进行DOS状态。-the system folders or directories to add an MS DOS quick access. Use : decompress after double-click on the Enhance System.bat complete sy
- This control makes it possible to redirect the stdin/stdout of a console-application to your program. It s even possible to redirect MS-DOS commands to your application. I ve written this project in Visual C++ 6.0 with ATL 3.0, because you can t use
- 一个*代码 功能比较全面 1.文件管理:模枋 Windows 资源管理器,可以对文件进行:复制、粘贴、删除,重命名、远程运行等,可以上传下载文件或文件夹,操作简单易用。 2.远程控制命令:查看远程系统信息、剪切板查看、进程管理、窗口管理、外设控制、服务管理、共享管理、代理服务、MS-Dos模拟、其它控制! 3.捕获屏幕:不但可以连继的捕获远程电脑屏幕,还能把本地的鼠标及键盘传动作送到远程实现实时控制功能! 4.注册表模拟器:远程注册表操作就像操作本地注册表
- Rosiello Security proxyscanner & validity checker v2.0 一个WINDOWS下的代理服务器地址扫描器,必须在MS-DOS模式下运行,附源代码。-Rosiello Security proxyscanner validity checker v2.0 of a Windows proxy server address scanners, in MS-DOS mode, and with the source code.
Microsoft MS-DOS 6.0 完整源代码
- Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容。
- It is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD and supports mode 7, sound, Super FX, and a lot more-is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD
- GNU系统 MS-DOS 函数据库(压缩包)-GNU system, MS-DOS letter database (compressed package)
- icrosoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。 每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。 这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容-icrosoft MS-DOS6.0 full source code, including all the external command, the installation program, DOSSHELL and so on. Each source file includes the de
- easyVM是我的毕业设计,我很后悔做完它之后没有把它传到论坛上来。在我毕业来到珠海后的第十天,我的电脑被小偷入室盗走了,我四年时间里写的所有代码以及从成都带回来的回忆也随着硬盘的丢失而消失了。现在发上来的这份代码是我从邮箱里发给老师的一封邮件上拿回来的。 easyVM是一个简单得不能再简单的虚拟机,只模拟了8086及一些简单外设,可以跑MS-DOS 6.22。-easyVM is my graduation, I am sorry it did not finish af
- The ExeInfo utility shows general information about executable files (*.exe), dynamic-link libraries (*.dll), ocx files, and drivers files. It can recognize all major types of executables, including MS-DOS files, New Executable files (16-bit) and Por
- GRUB for DOS(GRUB4DOS)是一个以 GNU GRUB 为基础的功能强大的引导器。它可以在 DOS 和 LINUX下运行,也可以通过其他引导器来运行,还可以作为MBR运行。GRUB4DOS内置了功能完善的 BIOS 级磁盘仿真。-This is GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader. GRUB is intended to provide important bootloader features that are missing from
- GRUB for DOS(GRUB4DOS)是一个以 GNU GRUB 为基础的功能强大的引导器。它可以在 DOS 和 LINUX下运行,也可以通过其他引导器来运行,还可以作为MBR运行。GRUB4DOS内置了功能完善的 BIOS 级磁盘仿真。这是目前最新版本的源码。-This is GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader. GRUB is intended to provide important bootloader features that are
- mkfs ("MaKe FileSystem") is the Linux/GNU command for formatting a disk partition with a specific filesystem. Syntax The basic syntax is: mkfs -t type device where type is the type of the filesystem and device is the Unix device the
- linux下创建及读写dos操作系统的工具,可以从硬盘读写,也可以从软盘读写-Inside of this package there are two utilities to create and to check MS-DOS FAT filesystems on either harddisks or floppies under Linux. This version uses the enhanced boot sector/superblock format of DO
- 这是一个pe文件分析工具,在科税学习逆向时写的。主要功能:显示ms-dos头,pe文件头,节表,数据目录以及反汇编-This a pe file analysis tool, written in reverse learning assessor. The main functions: ms-dos head pe header section table, data directory and disassemble
- DOS操作系统源代码 DOS-C started in 1988 as an experiment in writing device drivers in C for Microsoft s MS-DOS. Both block and character device drivers were written, along with special C data structures to match the MS-DOS request packet. -dos Sourc
- exe2bin 只适用于MS-DOS格式-exe convert bin file, the file format only supports dos
- The MS-DOS filesystem constants structures.
- Characters that are undesirable in an MS-DOS file name.
- The MS-DOS filesystem constants structures.