- 一个用sdl库和c++写的“太空大战”的游戏,游戏的图象都来自金山打字通2003中的“太空大战”, -没办法,因为自己的美工技术差。 -游戏适合小孩子玩,你是打字高高手就算了吧,:-)。 -游戏支持Linux/Win32平台,其实都是sdl的功劳,可移植行太好了。在windows下写, -拿到linux编译,就能运行了-sdl with a library and write c "space war", games of the images are from the 2,
- 密码学文献有一个奇妙的发展历程,当然,密而不宣总是扮演主要角色。第一次世界大战前,重要的密码学进展很少出现在公开文献中,但该领域却和其它专业学科一样向前发展。-cryptography literature has a wonderful history, of course, close does not declare always played the leading role. Before the First World War, it was important to cryptog
- Student Management James Madison of Virginia was elected president of the United States in eighteen hundred and eight. He followed Thomas Jefferson and served two terms. Madison s first four years were not easy. He had to deal with a foreign
- 这是一款象棋游戏,可以实现人人对战和人机对战,功能强大-This is a chess game, can be achieved for all the war and the war machine, powerful
- After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponary, steps forwards and crushes both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponary and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable a
- 一款用SDL制作的太空大战游戏,对初学SDL者很有帮助-Production of a space war with SDL games, SDL are very helpful for beginners! !
- 实现了RSA的加密,解密算法,其中用到了欧几里得国战,和快速求模的算法-Implements RSA encryption and decryption algorithms, which use a Euclidean state war, and fast algorithm for modulo
- 凯撒密码是一种非常古老的加密方法,相传当年凯撒大地行军打仗时为了保证自己的命令不被敌军知道,就使用这种特殊的方法进行通信,以确保信息传递的安全。他的原理很简单,说到底就是字母于字母之间的替换。-Caesar is a very old password encryption method, traditionally the year when Caesar earth march to war in order to ensure their orders are not the enemy
- 传奇世界骑战天下全套源代码 支持双骑战 双元神 -The legend of the world riding a war the world a full set of source code to support the dual soul of the double riding war
- 本源码实现了一个用c写的战争模拟器,界面为终端,不是很好看,但是作为练习C是个不错的代码,请指点。-A war simulator used to write c the source interface for the terminal, not a good look, but as practice C is a good code, pointing.
- war-ftp 1.65存在缓冲区溢出漏洞:发送长度超过480B的用户名给war-ftp服务器就可以触发漏洞(即USER longString\n\r),溢出之后ESP指令寄存器的内容包含了longString中的部分内容。远程攻击者可以利用此漏洞以应用程序进程权限执行任意指令。-war-ftp 1.65 a buffer overflow vulnerability: send more than 480B username length to the war-ftp server can t
- 复古战争 4 - 一个古典平台动作游戏 您将指挥主角鳄鱼大叔 Alex 穿越丛林,从敌人手中救回他的女友 Lola。游戏操作经典,有四 种颜色可供选择。 该游戏还包含一个内建的编辑工具,因此您可以设计、分享自己的地图。-Retro war- a classic platform action game you will command the protagonist crocodile Uncle Alex through the jungle, from the hand of
- 潜艇大战游戏VC++源代码,不能不说的一款游戏,在90时代风靡全球的小游戏,在Windows中,甚至自带有潜艇大战。-World War II submarine game VC++ source code, can not be said of a game, the game popular around the world in 90 times in Windows, and even comes with a World War II submarine.
- This DataEntryReader lets a given DataEntryReader read all data entries of the read jar war zip data entries.
- 五子棋人人对战,键盘输入坐标,有中文提示,大一C语言练习作业-renju everyone war, keyboard input coordinates, a Chinese suggest that the C language exercises freshman operations
- Since inode.namelen is a unsigned 6-bit number, the maximum cramfs path length is 63.
- The magic number passed by a Multiboot-compliant boot loader.
- 这是一个简单的五子棋游戏,可以实现简单的五子连珠对战的小游戏-This is a simple game of backgammon, you can achieve five simple renju game of war
- 一个非常经典的小游戏,潜艇大战,很有参考的价值,不足的请多多指教-A very classic game, submarine war, of great reference value, the lack of advice, please
- 一个非常经典的小游戏,潜艇大战,很有参考的价值,不足的请多多指教(A very classic game, submarine war, of great reference value, the lack of advice, please)