- 基于事件驱动的串口通讯控件 消息帧数据格式: 1 0 A B X X 其中 10 为消息标识, AB表示文本长度,L=A*100+B XX为配位字符,任意 控制帧数据格式 0 1 A B M N 其中 01为控制标识, AB为请求标识 MN为附加标识 11表示请求对方接收文件,M表示描述字串中文件名子串的长度 N表示描述字串中文件大小子串的长度 10通知对方放弃传输 00通知文件传输完毕 01请求对方
- Squaring circuits are an important building block for impulse-radio UWB non-coherent receivers. This work proposes a squarer, based on the quadratic law of saturated transistors. Such a circuit has already been proposed for lower frequency applicatio
- Android下基于OpenGL ES技术来载入MD2模型文件,可以比较好的载入模型。-Android Based on OpenGL ES technology to load MD2 model file, you can load the model better.
- 超宽带无线电基础书中的M文件,可以实现仿真-Ultra-wideband radio M book based on documents, can be achieved Simulation
- The MIMO Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and a GUI. Its purpose is to complement the Control Toolbox for Matlab with functions capable of handling the multivariable input-output scheme.The MIMO Toolbox was developed for Matlab 7. T
- 非常好的基于matlab的bpsk仿真程序,其中对m序列伪码调制部分更具特色-The bpsk very good simulation program based on matlab, where pairs of m sequence of pseudo-code modulation part of the more distinguishing features
- RFID系统的IEEE的文章,安全协议,认证- In this paper, we first propose a cryptographic authentication protocol which meets the privacy protection for tag bearers, and then a digital Codec for RFID tag is designed based on the protocol. The protocol w
- MATSNL is a package of MATLAB M-files for computing wireless sensor node lifetime/power budget and solving optimal node architecture choice problems. It is intended as an analysis and simulation tool for researchers and educators that are easy to use
- The actual version requires the following MATLAB toolboxes: - Mapping toolbox (for elevation()) - Image Processing Toolbox (for imshow()) A providing of toolbox independent functions would be greatly acknowledged. You may tweak the sourcec
- Hi all! I m glad to take part in to the forum ! This is a project about : USB to UART based on CDC extend VUSB
- 因而本文基于MATLAB 针对Nakagami 衰落信道仿真了它的统计 特性,包括接收信号的复包络模拟和在具有最大比合并分集下的电平通过率及平均衰落持续时间的性能分析。重点在于理解和建立采用 MATLAB 进行信道信真的方法及对Nakagami 衰落信道本身统计特性的理解。-Based on MATLAB which Nakagami fading channel simulation for its statistical properties, including the recei
- 基于全球定位系统(GPS) 接收机的基本工作原理及其通信协议, 讨论了M SComm 控件的属性、方 法, 以美国GARM IN 公司的GPS25 接收机为例详细介绍了如何利用该控件实现GPS 接收机与微机间的串口通 信方法。-Based on the Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and its basic working principle of communication protocols, discussed M SComm
- 心理咨询软件美丽心灵Android客户端源码,基于HTML5,内含AJAX调用。同步及异步请求数据。m.apk可以直接安装运行。源码在widget下面。-Psychological counseling software Beautiful Mind Android client source code, based on HTML5, including AJAX call. Synchronous and asynchronous request data. m.apk can be ins
- 基于matlab实现△M调制解调系统的仿真,采用了高斯信道,分析了其眼图、误码率等性能-Of △ M modem system simulation, based on matlab using Gaussian channel, its eye diagrams and bit error rate performance
- 这是一个基于matlab的文档,内容是基于BEM的LS信道估计,里面包含3个.m文件-This is a matlab-based document, the contents are based on the LS channel estimation BEM, which contains three. M files
- DTMF报告和代码,基于simulink仿真,通过GUI调用m代码和simulink,可加噪音。-DTMF reports and code, based on simulink simulation, call m code and simulink through GUI, can add noise.
- AR模型的Burg算法,线性预测。 场景为V2V车载场景,使用Jakes模型-Burg s algorithm based on AR model,whose environment is V2V.
- 基于M序列的直接序列扩频通信系统设计与仿真原理图-Direct sequence spread spectrum communication system based on M sequence schematic design and simulation
- 带PM2.5数据的知雨天气是一个基于安卓的带有PM2.5数据的天气预报源码,天气数据是直接访问的http://m.weather.com.cn/data/xxxxxxxxxx.html,xxxxxxx需要替换成城市代码,例如北京是101010100。获取到天气的json数据后把所有数据保存到本地的文件里,然后再在本地文件中读取数据显示到界面上,PM2.5数据由pm2d5.com提供,获取方式与天气获取方式雷同。定位是直接用的系统的定位,我在手机上测试的是现在的项目已经不显示天气信息了,有可能是定
- 这是一种基于室内算法,做出来的定位算法,借鉴了网络上的资料,用途不是很大。它是基于TDOA/AOA的定位系统。但是是从网上炒的(This is a positioning algorithm based on the indoor algorithm. It draws on the data on the network and is not very useful. Please pay attention when downloading)