- 手机Wap浏览器源码,可以任意修改为集成的浏览器工具,Wap mobile phone browser source code, can be modified for integrated browser toolbar
- Libfetion的源代码,mfc开发,包含libfetion库,在这儿基础上你可以很容易开发出来自己的飞信手机客户端。或直接集成飞信功能到你的手机客户端。,Libfetion source code, mfc development, including libfetion library, here you can very easily on the basis of developed own Fetion mobile client. Or direct a letter featur
- 该源程序为某培训机构培训的关于Android手机上新浪微博源代码,通过参考该源程序,可迅速入门java android手机应用程序开发。-The source code for a training institutions on the Android phone Sina microblogging source code, by reference to the source code can be quickly started java android mobile applicati
- android2.2源码文件,解压到\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-8\sources,就能直接在Eclipse里链接源代码-android2.2 source file, extract to \ android-sdk-windows \ platforms \ android-8 \ sources, you can link directly to the source code in Eclipse,
- 一个基于3g(iphone),用于流媒体播放的开源代码,可在此基础上进行开发-Based on 3g (iphone), for streaming media player open source code can be developed on this basis
- android 聊天软件源码可以帮助初学者了解程序的开发过程 激发初学者学习兴趣-Android chat software source code can help for the beginner to program the development process of the learning interest stimulate beginners
- 用vb编的sms源代码,可以适应于多个短信猫-Sms using vb series of source code, can be adapted to a number of SMS cat
- RFID的源代码,比较珍贵,但愿能给你帮助。-RFID' s source code, more precious, I hope you can help.
- G726标准的24kbps和40kbps两种比特率的音频编解码算法源代码,可以直接移植到dsp上或进行二次开发和封装。-G726 standard two 24kbps and 40kbps bit rate audio codec algorithm source code, can be directly transplanted to dsp or on the secondary development and packaging.
- android坦克大战源码,可运行。界面漂亮,美观。是新手学习比较好的代码-android sees the source code can be run. Interface is beautiful, beautiful. Novice to learn the code better
- OReilly出版的《J2ME in a Nutshell》可谓经典之作,学习J2ME手机编程必不可少的专业书籍,只可惜现在还拿不到中文电子书,现在先把这本书的随书实例光盘源码奉献给大家,希望喜欢。 -OReilly published J2ME in a Nutshell is classic, essential for learning J2ME mobile programming professional books, but unfortunately still can n
- J2ME手机游戏50例,通过这些源代码可以很好地学习手机游戏开发。-J2ME mobile phone game 50 cases, through which the source code can be very good to learn mobile phone game developers.
- MTK平台COM口通讯的源代码。很底层的。可以学习一下。-COM port communication MTK platform source code. Very bottom. Can learn about.
- This delphi 7 source code have a function to send SMS trough computer with serial communication. You can modify it for your requirement.
- MTK 手机的 MMI源码,开发MTK芯片手机的 可以借鉴-MTK mobile phone MMI source code, developers can learn from MTK-chip phone
- 《Android基础教程》的随书源码,可以方便学习该书的时候手动敲入源码出现错误时进行对比,也可以单独下载作为入门进行学习。-" Android-based tutorial" in the book with source code, you can easily learn from the book when manually typing error when comparing source code can also be downloaded as a separ
- 无线传感器网络的leach源代码(omnet++模拟)做omnet++仿真的可以 研究下。-Wireless sensor networks leach source code (omnet++ simulation) do omnet++ simulation can be studied under.
- J2ME手机开发实现RMS数据库,源码,可存入、导出数据。-Development and implementation of J2ME phones RMS database, source code, can be deposited, export data.
- android源代码:Crowdroid是一个可以同时处理Twitter、Follow 5、Crowdroid for Business的多重微博客户端-android source code: Crowdroid is a can handle Twitter, Follow 5, Crowdroid for Business multiple microblogging client
- foursquared android 客户端源码,以前下载的,现在都不能下了,想看的童鞋们可以看看,代码写的没法说。-foursquared android client source code, previously downloaded, now can not come, and want to see the children s shoes can see, the code can not write that.