- to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format and UI design It should have the following functions: Provide a Graphic User Interface for user to browse the file system and select one WAV file
- isp1160_isa_evel_codeUSB主机软件,可驱动打印机,音频设备,鼠标? size=80><input type=submit name=B1 value=-isp1160_isa_evel_codeUSB mainframe software, printer drivers, audio equipment, mouse size = 80> <input type = submit name = value = B1
- ECE345, Visual-to-audio Electronic Travel Aid Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C5
- 1、完美支持android1.5、android1.6、android2.0、android2.01、android2.1平台; 2、完美支持320×480、480×800、480×854等各种分辨率(自适应屏幕分辨率); 3、支持在线音视频播放,支持URL input和从浏览器调用SeeJoPlayer播放器播放在线音视频; 4、自动转为横屏播放,为用户提供更好的观看体验; 5、修改了没有SD卡程序出错的Bug; 6、美化了视频播放列表和操作说明的界面。-1, t
- android 音频的实时传输(对讲机), 输入对方的ip即可使用-android audio real-time transmission (intercom), input you can use each other s ip
- 提供基于安卓开发的音频处理系统,使用安卓客户端设备的音频口,利用音频输入输出信道,处理音频信息,经模数转换,采样提取数据-Andrews provides audio processing system developed based on client devices using Android audio ports, the use of audio input and output channels, processing audio information via analog-dig
- Speex是一套免費開源,無專利保護的音頻壓縮格式,主要針對語音。Speex工程著力於通過提供一個可以替代高性能語音編解碼來降低應用中語音輸入的障礙 。而且,Speex也是很適合網路應用,這方面,相對於其他編解碼器Speex也有著自己獨特的優勢。Speex還是GNU工程的一部分,在改版的BSD 協定下得到了很好的支持。 -Speex is a free open-source, non-patented audio compression format, mainly for voice. Sp
- SoX reads and writes audio files in most popular formats and can optionally apply effects to them. It can combine multiple input sources, synthesise audio, and, on many systems, act as a general purpose audio player or a multi-track audio recorde
- Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) algorithms, also known as frame erasure concealment algorithms, hide transmission losses in an audio system where the input signal is encoded and packetized at a transmitter, sent over a network, and received at a
- 乐看播放器源码介绍: 1、完美支持android1.5、android1.6、android2.0、android2.01、android2.1平台; 2、完美支持320×480、480×800、480×854等各种分辨率(自适应屏幕分辨率); 3、支持在线音视频播放,支持URL input和从浏览器调用SeeJoPlayer播放器播放在线音视频; 4、自动转为横屏播放,为用户提供更好的观看体验; 5、修改了没有SD卡程序出错的Bug; 6、美化了视频播放列表和操作说明的
- 《疯狂Android讲义》全面地介绍了Android应用开发的相关知识,全书内容覆盖了Android用户界面编程、Android四大组件、Android资源访问、图形/图像处理、事件处理机制、Android输入/输出处理、音频/视频多媒体应用开发、OpenGL与3D应用开发、网络通信编程、Android平台的Web Service、传感器应用开发、GPS应用开发、Google Map服务等。("Crazy Android Handout" gives a comprehens