- This a software runing on the matlab, it is used in the channel coding simulation. It include DVB-S2 LDPC, Covolution turbo, and block turbo code, You can choose which channel coding to run. it run the encoder and add white noise in the channel,
- 文章详细介绍了TPC编码技术及信道容限, 是一篇不错的介绍TPC的文章-An important goal for a new communication system is to transfer information at a high rate while keeping energy consumption low. Shannon s channel capacity sets a limit on the tradeoff between the rate of infor
- LTE中的速率匹配部分,在turbo编码后使用。已经分好模块,包括子块交织以及比特收集和修剪等部分。-Rate matching section in the LTE turbo coding. Has been divided into many modules, including the part of the sub-block interleaving and bit collection and pruning.
- Turbo乘积码[TPC]的编码程序,Turbo乘积码[TPC]作为一种分组的Turbo码,把码块的行和列都加以编码,使得行和列都有纠检错的能力。-Turbo Product Code [TPC] of the coding procedures, Turbo Product Code [TPC] as a division of Turbo code, the code block rows and columns are coded so that rows and columns have
- 本源码包参考英国Southampton大学Robert G. Maunder教授2008年的EXIT charts开源demo,给出了通用(分量码多项式可自定义)并行级联Turbo码的EXIT charts的作图源码。同时可完成迭代轨线、BER等值线的绘制等工作。 由于对于码块长较大的情形仿真需要较长时间,源码包也给出了部分分量码多项式的仿真结果,可直接用于绘图。 源码包还给出了最经典的S.Ten Brink介绍EXIT charts基本原理的参考文献,以及本人对通信系统中迭代译码过程分
- 3G发端的基带仿真系统,实现的功能包括CRC校验,对较长数据块的分段,Turbo编码,速率匹配、级联,加扰,调制,MIMO分层和预编码-The 3G simulation system for transmitting signal in base band is fullfilled.It is powerfull.The function contains such as CRC checking,segmentation for large data block,Turbo coding,