- linux环境下用c语言实现对GPS数据的读取和分析,图形界面用minigui实现,在redhat9.0系统中调试通过-This application uses C programing language to read and analysis the data get from GPS under Linux platform. Graphical user interface is use minigui to realize, it has been test on reahat 9.
- 应用VB开发的GPS程序。DSC(Data Service Center)用来操作地图包括查询和对地图进行放大等功能; -VB application of GPS procedures. DSC (Data Service Center) for operating maps including inquiries on the map and zooming capabilities;
- 使用MSCOMM控件主要是通过事件来处理串行口的交互,即当数据到达时,控件的OnComm的事件就会来捕获或处理这些通讯事件。而OnComm事件也可以用来捕获和处理通讯错误。在实际应用中,一个MSCOMM控件就对应一个串行口,所以如果要处理多个串行口的话,必须有相应数量的控件与之对应。-use MSCOMM control mainly through the incident to the serial interaction, that is, when the data arrived, t
GPS ToolKit Pro
- Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS ToolKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy to add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Excel, or scr ipting project that supports ActiveX controls. GPS data (including lat/lon, speed,
- 这是一个DOS下开发的四串口程序,通过轮询的方法将COM1-COM3的数据合并到COM4上。压缩包中附带了QB45,一个DOS下开发应用程序的工具。-This is a DOS development of the four Serial procedures, Polling by the method of COM1 - COM3 merger of the data on COM4. Compressed the QB45 incidental, a DOS application dev
- 短信sms收发应用脚本短信网关动态库(支持各种红外手机、数据线连接的手机或无线猫,兼容性很好)-sms messaging application scr ipt SMS Gateway DLL (to support infrared handset, data link to the cell phone or wireless cats, good compatibility)
- LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS acts as a middleware
- 企业无线应用系统的实现模式,毕业设计正在研究中~客户端和数据库服务器之间用severlet进行数据操作控制的结构,此结构用于网站开发实现比较容易,但是用在移动设备上就要另当别论啦~-enterprise Wireless Application System for the model, Graduation is working on the client-server and the database used for data manipulation severlet control s
- 在数据采集系统中,USB接口技术以其高传输速度,简便的连接,以及其高通用性和高稳定性,比PCI等其他采集更适合与计算机的通信。本文系统介绍了基于USB2.0接口的数据采集系统的开发过程,以及硬件设计、固件、驱动和应用程序的设计等。本系统可实现模拟信号的采样和多路开关量输入、输出。并可通过对USB接口芯片可编程控制接口的设计实现数据的高速连续采样和传输。-Data Acquisition System, USB interface technology with a high transmissi
- GSM短信息传送技术在远距离监控、数据采集、GPS定位、无线报警、缴费通知... 领域有广泛的应用。针对广大开发商、系统集成商对GSM短信息应用的需要。我们开发的YK-2短信收发模块及软件,品质优价格低。为客户提供免费应用方案咨询服务,同时提供良好的售后服务。 如果你需要了解这方面的应用,请和我-GSM short messaging technology in the remote monitoring, data acquisition, GPS, wireless alarms, bill
- 目前GPS(全球定位系统)定位应用市场日趋成熟,正在进入应用的高速发展时期。本文以一款EverMore公司的GM-X205GPS接受模块为例,介绍了其数据格式,以及应用PIC16F874单片机RS232串口进行数据接收的程序-current GPS (Global Positioning System) location-based applications market becomes more mature, Applications are entering a period of rap
- 手机与服务器通过SyncML进行同步的客户端框架以及API,用户可以基于此框架快速开发j2me版本的syncML客户端。 The Funambol SyncML API allows application developers to embed SyncML capabilities in a J2ME application, thus giving it the access to a powerful data synchronization framework to kee
- 该程序为GPS数据采集程序,AppWizard has created this GPS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a sum
synaser Synapse串口同步库
- Synapse串口同步库。功能有:它不是控件,而只是代码库。适合编写控制台应用服务或其它应用;不需要安装;读写数据的方法和Synapse提供的TTCPBlockSocket一样;支持MODEM的AT指令;支持RTS驱动的通讯(例如:RS-485适配器)。功能无限制。源代码:包含。适用语言:CB3 CB4 CB5 D2 D3 D4 D5,Synapse serial synchronous library. Function: it is not control, but only code ba
- MTK 照相机源代码, 请大家下载学习 此代码是MMI层的代码-MTK camera application source code
- USB 开发资料类,USB实例程序类,USB应用笔记类,无线技术相关论文-USBUSB development of information categories, USB examples of class, USB Application Notes category, wireless technology-related papers
- J2ME mobile application to upload data to a Java Servlet
- 专用于3G手机应用的开发语言android代码,描述在手机中进行数据存储的不同方法!-Exclusively for 3G mobile application development language android code that describes the data stored in mobile phones in different ways!
- 全球定位系统Global Positioning System-GPS 作为新一代的卫星导航定位系统经过二 十多年的发展已发展成为一种被广泛采用的系统它的应用领域和应用前景已远远超出了该 系统设计者当初的设想目前它在航空航天军事交通运输资源勘探通信气象 等几乎所有的领域中都被作为一项非常重要的技术手段和方法用来进行导航定时定位 地球物理参数测定和大气物理参数测定等 - Global Positioning System Global Positioning System- t
- 在Android手机的研发过程中,某些客户可能会有一些怪异的需求,这里提供的是将内置应用存放在system data区域,但是却可以让客户手动删除的功能。-In the the Android phone R & D process, some customers may have some weird demand, here is the built-in applications are stored in the system data area, but allows customer