- 小灵通短信网关协议,支附短信网关客户端开发包使用详细说明.提供多种操作系统的API-PHS SMS Gateway Protocol, the extension by SMS Gateway Client Development Kit to use elaborate. Provide a wide range of operating system API
- 本源码为OpenNETCF源代码,包含了Diagnostics,IO,Multimedia,Runtime,Security,Threading,Win32等各种用于windows mobile开发的扩展类源代码,对于移动开发者是个好东西。-OpenNETCF the source of the source code, contains Diagnostics, IO, Multimedia, Runtime, Security, Threading. Win32 various window
- 在手机操作系统symbina上使用的一个脚本扩展语言的代码实现,可以参考用于自己的开发-symbina in the cell phone operating system used on the extension of a scr ipt language of the code to achieve, reference for its own development
- This sample demonstrates how to take pictures and videos using the CameraCaptureDialog managed API. If a default filename is used: - if a still picture is taken, the \".jpg\" extension is appended to the default filename. (Otherw
- 自己写的一个删除文件的源代码,可以根据文件名和后缀进行删除文件,在模拟器上可以用。-himself wrote a document to delete the source code, under the file name and extension for delete files, simulator can be used.
- 使用C++开发Brew 应用扩展模块例子。-use C + + application development Brew extension examples.
- brew下extension开发的源代码
- openGL开发brew程序又一扩展例子-An extension sample of brew program utilizing openGL
- Squaring circuits are an important building block for impulse-radio UWB non-coherent receivers. This work proposes a squarer, based on the quadratic law of saturated transistors. Such a circuit has already been proposed for lower frequency applicatio
- TH2000为USB延长的一个芯片,可经联到更大的长度,TH2000 for USB extension of a chip, may be linked to greater length
- lua 5.1在BREW 3.1.5上的移植,和对IDISPLAY的扩展。 提供了执行lua脚本,以及使用lua API的示例。-A porting for lua on BREW 3.1.5, and a extension for IDISPLAY on lua51. Sample for execute lua scr ipt, and usage for lua C API in BREW.
- 还在为windows mobile 5.0\6.0如何保存数据烦恼吗?还在为MAPI操作EDB数据库晕头转向吗,它可不支持SQL呀,悲剧?这些烦恼我都经历过!今天发布这个经过测试的sqlite3_ce.lib静态库和个人扩展的方法文件,使用起来太方便了,里边提供了example.txt例子文件,明白人看一眼就懂的,还有其中加了线程间及进程间互斥,经本人验证,多进程多线程访问操作SQLITE非常稳定,是本地数据库首选.-Also for windows mobile 5.0 \ 6.0 How t
- Cocos3d框架是iOS平台高度提炼的3D应用开发框架。 Cocos3d是cocos2d的扩展集,cocos2d深入人心,广泛使用在iOS 2d游戏开发中。 这个扩展可以无缝集成到cocos2d体系中。开发者在一个特别的 cocos2d 层中渲染所有的 3D 对象。 这个扩展的功能比起专业的 3D 引擎(例如 Unity 3D)差不少。但对 cocos2d 开发者来说,不需要学习一个新的框架体系,也不需要学习新的开发语言。所以如果是想做一些简单的 3D 游戏,或者要在基于 co
- android开发入门和实战是一本由入门到扩展的android开发书籍,内容很有梯度。压缩包里附上完整的书籍源代码。欢迎大家下载学习。-The android development entry and combat is an entry to the extension android development books, the content is useful gradient. Compressed source code of the bag and attach the comp
- The channel modeling work package WP1 of IST-WINNER project provided a Matlab implementation of the WINNER Phase II Model (referred as WIM this onward). The main purpose of the WIM channel models is to generate a radio channel realisations for a
- 最新68001的USB驱动,实现对USB扩展芯片的接口程序处理,使开发USB程序不是艰难的事情。-New 68001' s USB drive, USB extension chip to realize the interface procedures.
- 本书包括雷达分机,雷达测量方法两大部分.前者包括雷达分机,雷达接收机,终端显示和录取设备的组成,基本工作原理及主要质量指标,后者包括雷达的测距,测角和测事的基本原理和各种方法实现,并相应地讨论了各种雷达体制的基本工作原理.-Ext book, including radar, the radar measurement of two major parts. The former includes the extension of radar, radar receivers, terminal
- 进行 Brew Extension 编程的一个例子。其中包含了 Extension 和 Applet 的两个例子 和详细的文档说明-Brew Extension programming for an example. Extension and includes two examples of Applet and detailed documentation
- Brew 中使用的 OpenGL ES Extension源码。可以在Brew中开发 OpenGL 的程序-Brew used in OpenGL ES Extension source. Brew can develop procedures for OpenGL
- brew上创建extension的实例,很实用-brew to create an example of extension, it is practical