- This a package of flashlite to be installed on brew phone to be used for running flash application.-This is a package of flashlite to be installed on brew phone to be used for running flash application.
- 全新的brew MP平台。此代码在新的brew MP平台上实现了flash UI的播放,而且UI为widget实现。高通最新推出了BMP平台,区别于brew的是,此次提供了并非一个无线二进制环境,而是一个真正的系统。最为令人惊喜的是,居然支持了真机断点调试。-The new brew MP platform. This code in the new brew MP platform for a flash UI of the player, but also achieve the UI fo
- This primer is an introduction to Adobe flash application development inconjunction with the brew Mobile Platform enviroment.